


204 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - EXCLUSIVE: O'Keefe Fil... · 1 reply · +2 points

There is a difference between being "charged in a criminal complaint" and being charged through the court system. In order to arrest someone, the arresting officer must state the charges for which the person is being arrested. It is then incumbent on the investigators to ascertain if there is legitimate basis to move forward and formally charge the person that has been arrested through the court system. In this case the investigation found that there was no intent to commit a felony, therefore he was not officially charged with a felony. Even in the FBI press release it states that he was charged with "entering federal property under false pretenses for the purpose of committing a felony". It does not charge him with actually committing, or attempting to commit the felony. The charges were for the entering under false pretenses, a misdemeanor. The "purpose" phrase does not constitute a felony charge.

And as for your comment, "O'Keefe most certainly has been accused of sexual misconduct", I guess you can't read. The plaintiff at no time accused O'Keefe of even touching her! The complaint originated from the 2 of them having an argument over a project they were working on and O'Keefe leaving to avoid the argument. O'Keefe refused to return to give her a ride back to the train station, and she was too drunk to leave by herself. (Maybe O'Keefe thought a train was not where a drunk girl should be.) The subsequent comments by O'Keefe regarding the matter were the basis of the harassment case. The judge stated that it did not constitute criminal harassment.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · +2 points

Our numerous calls for term limits of our elected officials have repeatedly been ignored. After all, why would any of them pass a law that would put them out of a job! They think that they hold the power over this decision, but they are wrong. It is "we the people" who hold the power to set term limits, in the voting booth one politician at a time. There is a site up which allows you to send an email to your elected officials and notify them that they are fired!!!! You simply enter your zip code and the elected officials from your area pop up. The text of the letter is fully editable so that you can put your own personal twist to it. Then the emails are sent out for free. If you want to send hard copies you can (for a small fee) but you don't have to!

Refusing to elect incumbents will have a drastic impact on Washington. It will disrupt their committees, special interest contacts, inner circles and "good ole boy" relationships.

The link is:


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 1 reply · +2 points

Our numerous calls for term limits of our elected officials have repeatedly been ignored. After all, why would any of them pass a law that would put them out of a job! They think that they hold the power over this decision, but they are wrong. It is "we the people" who hold the power to set term limits, in the voting booth one politician at a time. There is a site up which allows you to send an email to your elected officials and notify them that they are fired!!!! You simply enter your zip code and the elected officials from your area pop up. The text of the letter is fully editable so that you can put your own personal twist to it. Then the emails are sent out for free. If you want to send hard copies you can (for a small fee) but you don't have to!

Refusing to elect incumbents will have a drastic impact on Washington. It will disrupt their committees, special interest contacts, inner circles and "good ole boy" relationships.

The link is:


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +1 points

New Hampshire - the Live Free or Die State! If any of you are state level or regional leaders please log into:


We are attempting to establish a nationwide network of State and Regional groups in order to work together. This is open to all 912 groups, meetup, we surround them or others.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +2 points

ATTENTION!!! All New Hampshire 912er's and all who have, or want to start, a statewide group in your state.

There is a new New Hampshire Group for the entire State of New Hampshire!

They are the "State of New Hampshire 912ers"

This group is making an effort to establish contact between all the 912 groups in NH, so that we can work together as one cohesive force. They will post your meeting and a link to your meetup site. Just starting out? Don't have a site yet? That's OK they will post for you until you get things rolling! Can't find a group near you? Log on and find one! (and keep looking they are growing fast) Want to start a group in your area? Sign up and they will assist you!
Individuals, whether they belong to a group or not, are encouraged to sign up.
They are working on a web site now, and setting it up in a way that allows it to communicate with other websites. Once everything is set up, they will offer to help you set up a site through them so that the communication is easier.
This allows each group to maintain it's identity, and yet work together.
Please log in to:


They are also looking to establish contact with other State groups. Does your State have a Statewide group? If so please contact them. If not, it's easy to start (well sort of easy, but if you've organized one group it won't be that bad)
Just set up a State meetup site and contact every 912 meetup group from your state that you can find. Then sign up on their site and e-mail the organizer (cut and paste from word) announcing the site. Offer the services I mentioned above and you're rolling. Is the website part scaring you? That's OK, you don't really need it right away. Eventually, a talented webmaster will sign up with your group. To avoid competition, if more than one statewide group pops up, consolidate.

Let's make this a Nationwide effort, state by state!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 3 replies · +2 points

Has anyone seen the photo that was released by the White House of the fly over in New York? Can you say photo shop????? Did you notice how little the Statue of Liberty looked? It makes it look like they were flying way above New York, but the videos taken by people in New York at the time show the plane flying much lower!!!! How stupid do they think we are?????

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/8/09: This Story Jus... · 3 replies · +1 points

To the contrary things have changed since you were in Mass. They've gotten worse!!!! I could write a book on my experiences with the corrupt state of Mass. Up here in New Hampshire people in Mass. (of the liberal kind, which is most) are callled Massholes!!! By the way I noticed how you typed the S word; looks like you caught on to the censorship on this site!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +1 points

There has to be more than 30 representatives that want to be re-elected!!!!!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/8/09: This Story Jus... · 1 reply · +1 points

You said you were having trouble finding conservatives. Are you a member of a local 912 group? If not check with meetup.com and find one. If there isn't one, start a group through meetup. Be sure to designate your group by area, ei:(city)area912project. Then find a place to hold your first meeting. Libraries are usually free, or most taverns are willing to let you hold a meeting in a back room as they will hope that beverages and food would be sold. Sometimes you may have to guarantee a certain amount will be spent. Once you have a meeting place, call your local conservative talk radio and ask them to advertise your meeting (non-profit should be free). Newspapers usually have community event sections that you could advertise in. Also post fliers anywhere you are allowed (try to make them as professional looking as you can). Grocery stores usually have community bulliten boards, and ask businesses (chain stores won't do it) if you can post it in their window. Be prepared to have things a little disorganized at first. I don't know how close you are to New Hampshire but you're more than welcome to cometo one of our meetings to get a feel for it.Check out our state site at www.meetup.com/nh912project.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 1 reply · +1 points

I think if we listed names, city and state of everyone, quite frankly many would be afraid to put their name on a national list. However, I do think there should be a tab which could be used for various groups to post there locations and contact info. There is the currently unused "organize this" tab. Also the map thing worked out pretty good for people to locate the tea party organizers; I think something like that would be helpful for people who are trying to find a local group. I would also suggest that every 912 group sign up at meetup.com. People could also find groups through that, or start their own group if there is not a local one. If it turns out that there is a local group that has not signed up on meetup.com, then you merge and you already have a site set up. Have you read my post on how my state has started to organize? If not check it out.