


22 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Arab is the new black! · 0 replies · +2 points

The Palestinians want two states, it's their lives, not ours. It's the only reason I don't oppose it.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Max Blumenthal: Feelin... · 0 replies · +1 points

And they being in possession of nuclear weapons, how do you suggest anyone bombs them ?

15 years ago @ Connection - Comment to "Five Easy ... · 0 replies · +1 points


15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - http://www.philipweiss... · 0 replies · +3 points

Your comments are infested with falsehoods, generalizations, inventions, and conflations. I suggest you send your resume to Fox News. They need you.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - In their own words · 0 replies · +1 points

Zionism is unjust. Therefore, all instances of injustice, past and present, reinforce it. They prove to the Zionist that justice doesn't exist, or that it is arbitrary, which amounts to the same. Yet, the murderous past of America did not simply disappear; it still finds its way today, through the foreign policy of intervention. Remember the million of Iraqis who died. This is justice at work. All evil spreads. Zionists believe otherwise:

One man rose immediately after Stone’s talk to retell the biblical story of “the Jews who were told to go into Canaan and wipe out all the people in Canaan.” The man said “the Jews survived that spiritually and physically, and we’re here today and we’re still a moral light in this world.”
The Great Zionist Coverup, Edwin Wright, p 82

The above is an extract from an article of the Washington Post, by Jay Matthews, from the November 11 of 1974 issue.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Holy Land Foundation t... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh, okay.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Holy Land Foundation t... · 2 replies · +3 points

That included funneling aid to family members of suicide bombers, ensuring a steady stream of new suicide recruits, testimony showed.
I think you're trusting them too fast Rowan. Think about this: if someone from your family commits suicide and your house is destroyed, as it is standard policy, aren't you in for rough times ? Hamas always helps such families with money. It is simply implied in the above passage that it's actually a way to get new recruits. But I could see it as humanitarian.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Holy Land Foundation t... · 0 replies · +3 points

More importantly, Hamas was fostered by Israel as a counterweight against the PLO. Also, the appearance of Hamas on the scene is certainly not a sad event, a coincidence, a spoiler when peace was almost at hand. Don't tell me you were surprised that such an organization was created, after years of occupation and oppression. Hamas is an outgrowth of Israeli policy.

'Israel made a CHOICE. It did not adopt a last resort.'

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Holy Land Foundation t... · 5 replies · +1 points

Actually that is already the case. Hamas has already recognized they'll have to negociate, and said they had joined the international consensus, aka the '67 borders.

Nevertheless, Israel should, in principle, disappear, as it is an illegitimate entity, built on stolen land. In this way, the Hamas people are more zionist than me.

15 years ago @ Connection - Lysander Spooner - La ... · 0 replies · +1 points