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14 years ago @ Big Government - It's Your Principles, ... · 0 replies · +3 points
I know JFK had lots of help getting the Presidential seat by his dad but the personalities of the two men seem similar.
He has an natural humility that we don't see in the arrogance that now resides in the WH. Time will tell.
I look for Brown to run for President one day. Maybe against Obama in 2012?
Wouldn't it be ironic to see that the seat that was sold out to get Kennedy in, then sold out when he died would bring down the one thing he wanted the most, health care? Add insult to that is that the elitist Obama rallied against Brown and maybe he could be running against the very person he put down for "driving a truck" in 2012.
Sometimes it's hard to swallow our words. I do hope those words come back to haunt him since Brown was right that many Americans can't afford a truck, something Obama just took for granted. Shows he doesn't understand the middle class American and the struggles we live with every day.
I hope he keeps his word and is the person we see, because he just may be the person we have been looking for to take over the presidency in 3 years.
Stranger things have happened.
Like a democrat losing a senate seat held for half a century by one man in a very democratic state.
14 years ago @ Big Government - Brown Wins Massachuset... · 0 replies · +4 points
Please go here and sign the petition to seat Brown immediately like they did Ted Kennedy one day after he won in 1962.
We need him in office NOW. They didn't wait to seat the winner when Hoffman lost in NY so they could get the vote in the House, they need to seat Brown tomorrow!
14 years ago @ Big Government - Election Night Open Th... · 0 replies · +6 points
Sadly Obama, Pelosi and Reid are going to shove this Obamacare bill down our throats despite this message that couldn't be more clear that the people DO NOT want this bill or any of his "progressive" ideas or laws.
Now on to IL. to win where the roots of corruption go right to the heart of the problem. Obama's home state.
15 years ago @ Big Government - Anatomy of a Green Sca... · 0 replies · +1 points
I have taught my daughters to look at what a person has to gain by giving you any suggestions in life. If there is nothing to gain then you can take their advice or leave it based on personal preference. But if there is any hint of conflict of interest or that person will gain anything by the exchange of information then run as fast as you can, they are trying to sell you a bill of goods that is not necessarily in your best interest.
15 years ago @ Big Government - Illinois' Gov And Sena... · 0 replies · +1 points