Lewis Green
1p1 comments posted · 3 followers · following 1
17 years ago @ ChaosScenario - Welcome · 1 reply · +2 points
There's lots to like about the new design, but... You had to know it was coming. This is what friends do--we are honest with each other. The three-column format, as designed here, puts lots of weight on the least important stuff. The two columns on the right detract from your posts and seem really busy to me. For me, the page tilts to far to the right. On the other hand, no one ever accused me of being a designer.
There's lots to like about the new design, but... You had to know it was coming. This is what friends do--we are honest with each other. The three-column format, as designed here, puts lots of weight on the least important stuff. The two columns on the right detract from your posts and seem really busy to me. For me, the page tilts to far to the right. On the other hand, no one ever accused me of being a designer.