I really enjoyed ODST. I liked that the characters had personality even though using the guy from Firefly was a little contrived. I thought the audio story was very mature and compelling. The thing I didn't like (or maybe did haha) was that I was once again able to run through the game even on Legendary. By run I mean literally. There are many parts you can completely skip through without fighting a single enemy. I think Bungie kinda realized that since it was one of the achievements.
I wanna get WET because being a guy I don't really get to experience that and I believe it is important for a man to get in touch with his feminine side. Seriously though, I lost my job recently and can't afford my own copy, but I think Rubi is one of the greatest video game heroines and the grindhouse style is amazingly cool. Thanks.
Does anyone know when the winners will be announced or when the third contest will start?
Contest #2
"Ok, we just broke the ice and Rubi is already on her knees. Plus, my crotch is exploding. So, why am I not happy? :("