I can trace my roots back to 1635 in this land. My ancestors have fought in every war since. I still have my great-great-grandfather's Civil War cap (with a bullet hole in it). My youngest brother, the last known to serve, fought with distinction in Desert Storm. I cannot imagine all of the lives sacrificed to make the US what it is today that may have something else to say about the current situation and Obama policies.
Leftists retain the right to any and all illogical and asinine forms of argument. Facts and truth have no basis in the lefty repertoire.
Please, please, please recall president Pelosi. I lived in CA when we recalled that moron Grey Davis and the governator was elected. Pelosi has somehow gained the power to destroy America and is exercising that power with veracity. Please dispose of Pelosi, ASAP.
I understand the right of John McCain to his objection to so called torture, but he and many others in the Viet Nam Way, WW II, WW I, Korean War, etc., experienced real torture. He is an American hero that, with honor, experienced torture firsthand. The information obtained by the CIA was credible and useful in saving lives. There is a time and a place for everything. It was once stated: War is hell. The rules are far and few between.
It depends on your definition of torture. I do not see what we did as torture. The good and safety for the many out weight the rights of the few that threaten the many.
Obama shows disrespect for US allies, bows to dictators, invites relations with known regimes that want to kill all Americans, and shakes hands with dictators insulting him and the previous president. Just what is his master plan? As a child, I was concerned and feared that the USSR would nuke the US. I have not had that feeling of overall despair until Obama started his shenanigans. This guy is the worst thing that could happen to the county I love.
From listening to her over the years, I have learned not to take anything she says seriously. Sometimes she does make sense though. The leftists are grass.
Maybe because she is a moron.
Or the Mexican policia. Something tells me they may be "on the take".
This is true. The guns in actuality come from other 3rd world nations. The guns, if from the US, can be traced by serial number. The Obama administration will not produce the documents because they do not exist. It is all a propaganda ploy to enact more stringent "gun control" legislation. Believe me, the goal of the lefties is to enact legislation diluting the 2nd amendment.