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16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +2 points

No matter how scary things seem right now economically, it is amazing how well America works and what a strong work ethic we have. We do have an educated work force. Also having been in Pakistan where the infrastructure was weak, we tend not to realize how well we do take care of our disabled, how well our roads, and services work. In places like Afghanistan, is most cases they don't allow women to get an education, so they lose in a sense the work, the input and the intelligence of one half of their population. I don't mean that working in the home and raising children is not an important contribution in society, it probably is the most important, yet, there are so many people whose human potential is wasted because of greed, corruption and poverty.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · 0 points

Dear D. The proper term is "chiropractic" even though it sounds like and adjective, not a noun...there is no "chiropracty." I am grateful you want us included, and from what I see and hear, since so many of all of the different providers are already reimbursed by the current insurance companies, I am confident we'll be included in this one. I think the worst part of the medical monopoly that keeps things in place, is ideological. It's a model based on disease, and surgery, not prevention. That is changing slowly. We need all providers, their talents and their voices in order to help forward wellness and prevention.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +2 points

what does this have to do with the thread we're supposed to be discussing?

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · -1 points

Oregon is so great when it comes to being "green". I went running in Portland with my son recently in the Hawthorne district, and it was so wonderful to see all the "victory" gardens around the neighborhood.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · -3 points

I agree that some of those GMO foods, after causing obesity and are a part of diabetes worldwide. It's back to government deals with big agriculture..what to grow, and what will be stockpiled and subsidied while others around the globe are starving.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +2 points

Hi, that sounds great, I'll take a look. Have you checked out http://www.bioneers.org? they are about ethical and morally grounded capitalism. I heard some MP3's on NPR and you can google and listen to a few of them.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +4 points

I have never belonged to Rotary and Jaycees, etc, but do stay involved in special events that do things like raise funds for Alzheimer's, Breast Cancer research etc.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · -4 points

There's plenty of money with which to pay for healthcare. We have to kick out insurance lobbyists, reduce the profits of those companies that are monopolizing this ponzi scheme. Athem Blue Cross alone, one co. in CA, makes $10,000,000.00 pure profit every day. I think that's a bit much. Sure, let them make profit, but they are doing it standing on the backs of doctors and patients alike. You take all the deductibles, the co-pays, and a chunk of their profits and we'll have plenty to insure everyone.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +3 points

Hi, I'm with you Denise...looks like everyone still wants to weigh in on healthcare, but Daschle wants us to hold community healthcare reform meetings. They closed the Join the Discussion on Healthcare reform and on the economy.

In regard to how I'm involved in my community....I belong to the SLO Chamber of Commerce; which keeps me in touch with policy makers, what's happening politically locally, and is a great place to find out what's happening with the needy in our community. Every month there are fundraisers and presentations on how to help others. The last meeting featured a warm coat donation drive, toys for kids, often there are talks about making donations to service organizations. There is a new organization trying to use the momentum and continue it from the Obama-Biden campaign called Central Coast United for Change, they are having a community organizing event on Sunday...we represent a non partisan group, so we can unite on what needs to happen in America and especially our Central Coast, which is SLO county and Santa Barbara County. I am working on having a healthcare reform forum, shortly. kkdc

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +1 points

As a healthcare provider I have seen a downturn in my patient census. My fixed costs of operating are still in place, but for now, I'm essentially working for free. I am waiting for things to return to "normal", but patients are delaying care. Some have exhausted their limited numbers of visits for the year, and though they are hurting, they are going to put it off until next year, or indefinitely. I don't want to lay off my staff, because they are good, and I have invested in training them.

My husband and I had a lifetsyle predicated on a budget with two full time incomes. Our household and insurance and mortgage expenses, just continue to go up, while insurance reimbursements go down as far as what I am able to collect for the services I render in my career as a DC. People are not coming in for the care they need.

He works for a utility, but because he is management, not union, when he works extra long hours, he gets regular time. The company cancelled any of his vacation between TG and NY, because the overtime "hogs" starting driving up company costs, so management above him, called their managers to work the extra time. We are selling things that we can do without, to try to make ends meet, and are trying to hold onto our home.