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3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

...and your evidence to back up your unsubstantiated claims? 😂

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

'Tis said prune juice is excellent for clearing blockages. Let us hope a few plums fall into UK laps imminently.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

Horatio lend me your eye ...
I believe I spy a wee fishy who has swallowed some French nonsense hook, line and sinker.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very many of those standards to which you refer were in place within the UK and, in some cases, were already either adopted or recognised as the basis for international rules before ever the UK joined what was the EEC. Size I would suggest has little to do with whether or not something is a good concept worth adopting.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 2 replies · +1 points

Indeed the UK was one of the larger states in terms of net contributions but in terms of influence? I think not, or at least for the past several decades.

The City of London who, for the most part, represent international big business and their shareholders want the maximum return with the least effort regardless of how it affects UK citizens despite those citizens being contributors to the taxes which pay for the infrastructure which makes London such a good place to conduct their business.

It is a matter of regret if they do not take too kindly to that as it is an indisputable fact. Having benefited at the expense of ordinary citizens for so long they naturally resent the prospect of a fairer but less favourable situation for themselves. lol

Do you deny that Brown then Osborne presided over an economy run for the benefit of big business by providing the conditions for plentiful cheap labour, allowing zero hours contracts, easy import of labour from EU member states where wages were considerably lower and with that immigration came increasing pressure on UK housing, schools, transport, the health system etc?

If my last paragraph is a prime example of paranoia then I would politely suggest that your failure to see the facts would qualify you for the blind register.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Frost's appointment ch... · 6 replies · +1 points

Our most important trading bloc, as you refer to the EU, when negotiating trade deals with other countries consistently allowed the interests of two of their larger states, namely Germany and France, to dominate those negotiations to the detriment of other member states.

In particular the interests of the UK, whose economy is predominantly services based, were never addressed in those trade deals nor indeed within the bloc itself where the reality is that no single market for services exists.

Moreover not only were the UK's economic interests largely ignored but the EU extracted fees for membership to further their political project whilst promoting and enacting rules and regulations to further the export and trade interests of Germany and France at the same time as using the UK as a dumping ground for the EU unemployed to the detriment of UK citizens

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - "We have been terrific... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Ship manufacture retains many vital skills and, as a maritime nation, it should be a vital industry."

The last I heard the UK was planning to keep a piece of EU law, namely the DSPCR. which would hinder any shipbuilding as it requires the Government to carry out international competitions for contracts in relation to "non-sensitive" defence shipbuilding.

Does anyone know if the UK is still signed up to the EU-derived Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations (DSPCR)?

David Banks who has researched EU defence regulations and structures as part of his work for of Veterans for Britain, argues the UK could instead immediately apply the defence text of the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). "This wording provides a much wider defence and security exemption where UK industry is less likely to lose many contracts overseas to a cheaper, but often state-subsidised, bidder."

This is probably just one of many instances where the UK is trying to compete with one arm tied behind its back. I feel sure there are many others.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Henry Hill: Gove's cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

According to the Belfast Telegraph road hauliers are saying that the Brexit red tape support scheme is part of the problem, and I quote ...

"Transport and logistics experts attempting to navigate customs changes brought about by Brexit have criticised a support scheme managed under a £200m contract awarded to a consortium led by a multinational IT firm.

The two-year contract to run the Trader Support Service (TSS) was awarded to a group led by Fujitsu and was announced last September.

But witnesses told MPs those charged with easing problems created by Brexit and the NI Protocol have no experience of customs issues or logistics."

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Who's in charge of the... · 0 replies · +1 points

Absolutely! Although I suspect reparation demands might come later if and when any evidence is gathered to support it.

In the meantime perhaps we should consider studying the historical evidence of those who have the most experience in this field and collaborate with them - after all it is only a short hop across the Channel.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Who's in charge of the... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why should the UK attempt to pursue the role of the world's policeman? What is the purpose of the UN or the ICJ if not to tackle these issues. If the UK is so concerned with the plight of those elsewhere why are more Brits not involving themselves in the affairs of these organisations to make them more effective?

As to our moral duty regarding full on genocide of the Uigar population our military capability against China would be like a mosquito attacking an elephant. Pressure can be brought to bear other than through military means.

It seems to me that a governments first duty is to the protection and welfare of its own citizens. I would suggest therefore that for the immediate future our moral duty should be directed rather closer to home. Why are we not questioning the huge disparity in incomes within the UK. Why is it that a relatively wealthy country such as the UK has so many of its citizens dependent on food banks for their survival?