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10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - REPORT: Movie Box Offi... · 0 replies · +4 points

With regret, I will sadly state to the fact that I use old horse faces ketchup. It's the best, it really is. If only we had a sec. state as smooth and consistent as the ketchup that bares his namesake.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - REPORT: Movie Box Offi... · 2 replies · +4 points

So I just spent 3 1/2 hours writing out a plan for this bbq festival I am doing in September. It's for the Charlotte Kosher BBQ Championship. Everything is kosher, I mean everything. I have to have new grill grates made, 5'x4' expanded metal grates, that weight 80# a piece. Knives, wooden chopping blocks, cleavers, thermos, everything. As much of a challenge as it will be I expect to learn a lot and have some fun. Anybody know where I can get 12 gallons of kosher ketchup?

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 13,... · 11 replies · +5 points

Alright, so I have been married for 15 days now, what should I expect out of the next 15 years?

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 13,... · 1 reply · +4 points

It's an undeniable fact that domestic LEA, fed and state are being militarized. The purpose of which has been stated here countless times. As to the foreign troops on American soil with the purpose you stated above, I believe it a possibility, the consequences of which I don't like to contemplate due to the seriousness of what it would mean for this country.

All out war, a patriotic homegrown insurgency vs. a tyrannical federal government supplied with foreign mercenaries and troops from hostile nations states. American revolution 2.0 for short.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 13,... · 0 replies · +5 points

It won't get better until it gets worse. We are seeing minor symptoms of a major illness. As it spreads, more people will begin to notice the destruction it is causing, but not until then.

The only question is, by that time will it be to late?

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - No, America is Not an ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Food prices are killing my profit margin. It's hard to believe what beef and pork have risen over the last quarter.

All part of the "plan" no bout.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - No, America is Not an ... · 2 replies · +3 points

Hey all y'all on N.G. Haven't post in along while. Still swing through here every morning looking for news. Hope everyone is well. Looking forward to the election season. Hoping conservatives can makeup some major lost ground. Time is running out. This is our last best chance...

Been busy. Getting married next Friday. Business has never been better. Trying to expand. Cooking a lot of BBQ.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - No, America is Not an ... · 2 replies · +2 points

I can't wait for gas prices to "inevitable" rise either.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Prufrock: 'Black Panth... · 1 reply · +5 points

Read that somewhere this morning. The MSM will avoid this one like the plague.

Are the Israel's the only ones willing to do anything meaningful to help the situation. The US sent "advisors," whatever the hell that means. Israel sent special forces.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - March 26... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yea, they arrested Cannon this afternoon in Charlotte. He is a total scum bag compared to the last two mayors. McCory is a good guy and I m glad he is governor. Fox was the best you cold have hoped for for a dem.