


181 comments posted · 28 followers · following 12

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 2 replies · +4 points

Bee, Thank you for understanding. I will be back when it is not so crazy. You have been a friend to me and I am greatful to have had our paths cross. I am still hoping to make the tour. Thanks again for being so kind. Looking at the list of people you mentioned I see a number of people I missed saying good bye to. See all you oldies later, it was fun!

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 5 replies · +6 points

kimaz good-bye 4
The last reason for me saying good-bye for now is there has been a shift in the treatment of new bloggers. The feel of this blog has changed from patience and helpfulness (which is how I was treated) to treating new bloggers rudely, laughing at them, scolding them for not being an ID blogger, and too many mean, sarcastic, and hurtful replies. If I had come on this blog right now verses six weeks ago, I would NOT have stayed around very long. In addition, if the new bloggers have not opened an account with Intense Debate, many regular ID users assume the new bloggers will never be back to read the answers to their questions. They often do, and the proof is in all the replies. Best of luck to all.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 0 replies · +3 points

kimaz good-bye 3
When I first started blogging, it was around Thanksgiving, and the conversations where smaller in volume and with fewer bloggers. It was a pace and number I found to be pleasurable and easy to follow. Now there so many people blogging I cannot tell which gray arrow goes to whose answer or reply. All too confusing for me when there are so many levels of conversation.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 4 replies · 0 points

Thumbs down to kimaz, ok I see I have been black balled. I also see the replies to strangers have become personal again. Go ahead and give me thumbs down for voicing my opinion. See you later. It was fun.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 0 replies · -2 points

Thumbs down to kimaz, ok I see I have been black balled. I also see the replies to strangers have become personal again. Go ahead and give me thumbs down for voicing my opinion. See you later. It was fun.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 0 replies · -1 points

Thumbs down to kimaz, ok I see I have been black balled. I also see the replies to strangers have become personal again. Go ahead and give me thumbs down for voicing my opinion. See you later. It was fun.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 1 reply · -1 points

Thumbs down to kimaz, ok I see I have been black balled. I also see the replies to strangers have become personal again. Go ahead and give me thumbs down for voicing my opinion. See you later. It was fun.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 1 reply · +3 points

Wyo, The vent takes a few 45-degree turns in the walls to get where it is in the master. As far as the vent allowing smells to escape into the house, I hope it does a better job than the one I have.
Not that I burn much food. lol Good thing my HB is not looking over my shoulder. He is the good cook in our family. I have learned, but it was sad when we first got married.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Dramatic Before an... · 5 replies · +5 points

I find it curious that with all us bloggers talking about the gift voting for the wind gong, there still has been no change (up or down) on its percentage points. In fact, there has been no change on ANY of the housewarming gifts since I last mentioned it over three weeks ago.
I know some have changed their voting because they were swayed one way or another. I still think the voting is static (as in not showing any changes).
What do you think? Can we make a change? We have a little over a week before the voting is closed.
I hope they don't deleat this post. I am not sure what happened to my last GONG post.

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - An Exclusive HGTV Gree... · 0 replies · +4 points

White boards are clean and colorful! Even high school students have fun when turned loose on a blank white board. Chalk UGH! I thought someone mentioned a porch swing sometime back. I have not seen one mentioned on any of the dream home videos. Is there room for one on the front porch?