


8 comments posted · 4 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 1 reply · +1 points

my iphone 4 is stuck in rescue mode on 5.1.1 tried all advice from previous thread last response was to wait for ios 6 jailbreak. How would I update to ios 6.0 if i cant even boot up the device? Is there anyway it could be a hardware issue? is this phone trash? on another note i picked up a verizon iphone 4 for cheap not knowing they dont have sim cards. Yeah i know stupid. Is there anyway to unlock and use my att service on that phone or am i better off selling it and buying an att 4

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 0 replies · +1 points

All failed. thats for all the advice. How would I update to ios 6.0 if i cant even boot up the device? Is there anyway it could be a hardware issue? is this phone trash? on another note i picked up a verizon iphone 4 for cheap not knowing they dont have sim cards. Yeah i know. Is there anyway to unlock and use my att service on that phone or am i better off selling it and buying an att 4

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 2 replies · +1 points

I followed all the directions it was 5.1.1 9b206 made a custom the stiched to matching 5.1.1 9b206 shsh went to pwned dfu and got error 21 in itunes? Any thing else I can try? Also tried recovery fix and went to wait for reboot and came up with missing keys.plist for this build?

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 4 replies · +1 points

I found my ecid in a usb viewer, I manually made my device in umbrella and it came up with five shshs saved. What do I do from here. You know your stuff man thanks

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 1 reply · +1 points

it is an att&t carrier i cant boot it up to see any of my info but i have another phone i purchased at the same time and use the same waythe modem firmware of that device is 04.12.02. Would it be possible to jail break it andoptain the shsh info if and use it to try to restore my phone if it is on the same 5.1.1?

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 8 replies · +1 points

Sorry for asking elementry questions but is there anyway i can pull any of that info now? I also tried the steps in this link but was unable to complte since i have no shsh saved. I did do the fix recovery process and it boots to an all white screen? Again Thanks in advance im sure this is annoying for rookie questions but much appreciated

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 10 replies · +1 points

Im having a problem. I have a iphone 4 with 5.1.1 jailbroken with absenthe 2.0. It worked fine for months out of no where it is stuck in connect to itunes. have tried everything ive read tried redsnow fix recovery, and get missing keys .plist data for this build? Have tried to do a thetherd reboot from redsnow goes all the way to pineapple scrren and says device will finish process adn then goes back to connect to i tunes screen. If i try to manually select ipsw it says will be used for rest of secession but i dont know how to proceed from there? Sorry for the lack of knowledge i put in hours of trying now I figured Id ask the pros. Thanks in advance fellas @ ao8 I dont have any shsh saved and dont know what bb is.

12 years ago @ - j8k9r0 · 2 replies · +1 points

Im having similar problem have a 4 with 5.1.1 and stuck in connect to itunes. have tried everything ive read tried redsnow fix recovery and get missing keys .plist data for this build? Have tried to do a thered reboot from redsnow goes all the way to pineapple scrren and says device will finish process adn then goes back to connect to i tunes screen. If i try to manually select ipsw it says will be used for rest of secession but i dont know how to proceed from there? Sorry for the lack of knowledge i put in hours of trying now I figured Id ask the pros. Thanks in advance fellas