


196 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ http://familyliteracy.... - Let's Get Social Sunda... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi! Stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back:

Kristin :)

13 years ago @ Acting Balanced - Sunday Family Stories ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh wow! My heart dropped when I started reading your made me feel awful. But thank goodness it turned out to be something else! What a relief!!!!

I love the pledge, though!

Stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back:

Kristin :)
My recent post Dancing With The Stars - One Week Til the Finals!

13 years ago @ - http://www.shoppergal.... · 0 replies · +1 points


Stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back:

Kristin :)
My recent post SmartMouth Mouthwash Review

13 years ago @ http://www.keenlykrist... - Dancing With The Stars... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have not...but, clearly, I'll need something to fill my evenings after DWTS and American Idol end!

13 years ago @ Acting Balanced - Win $200 CASH, Amazon ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great idea...entered and I think I'm going to sign up for the next one!!

Kristin :)
My recent post Me likey My Likes

13 years ago @ http://www.keenlykrist... - Pantothen Review · 0 replies · +1 points

It worked for me, so I actually just ordered some more...according to their website, at some point, you should experience clear skin and not have to take Pantothen anymore!! That's my goal!

13 years ago @ Our Monkey Life - Introducing... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post...nice to meet you!! I am your newest follower from the Alexa hop!

Kristin :)
Keenly Kristin
My recent post Tweet Me Special Giveaway!

13 years ago @ Random Deals - HUGE Blog Hop Library · 1 reply · +2 points

Great directory!! I bookmarked it...thanks!

Stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back at:

Thanks for linking up!!
Kristin :)
My recent post Dancing With the Stars Stunner!

13 years ago @ http://henryhappened.b... - how to | $220 Bracelet... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very nicely done!! And, yeah, $200+ is insane!

Stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back:

Kristin :)

13 years ago @ http://familyliteracy.... - Don't Fret - here's yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi!!! Stumbled your post...would love if you could stumble me back:

Kristin :)