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14 years ago @ Internet Lawyer Blog - Internet Marketer Murd... · 0 replies · +2 points
14 years ago @ Internet Lawyer Blog - Internet Marketer Murd... · 0 replies · +1 points
this sort of thing should not be happening- especially not to us decent folk... heck, it shouldn't be happening to anyone.
Survivors... that's what we are...! nice to meet you.
14 years ago @ Internet Lawyer Blog - Internet Marketer Murd... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Beyond Growth - Overdosing on Awesome · 0 replies · +1 points
enlightening! entertaining- engaging and ~ Awesome ~
; P
15 years ago @ Beyond Growth - The Hollow Sink of Pus... · 0 replies · +1 points
If not then it might be worthy of a look...?
just sayin'
: )
15 years ago @ Beyond Growth - The Hollow Sink of Pus... · 5 replies · 0 points
bottom line...it is about customer service.
someone isnt happy, refund money, someone dies on your property, watch, or event- take some responsibility! AND if someone sends you an email asking a question as to why they hear screeching high pitched sounds then at least answer the damn email!
bottom line again...???
it is about people and COMMUNICATION....
called "service"
15 years ago @ Beyond Growth - The Hollow Sink of Pus... · 0 replies · +1 points
I later learned that a friend had purchased the entire collection...and he gave me the set of C.D.'s to listen to... (hows that for the Law of Attraction?!!!)
I couldn't get through 5 min. of it without feeling dizzy and nauseous. All I could hear was this weird screeching annoying sound... that was unbearable...my friend on the other hand heard beautiful chime sounds etc. I heard them, but they were the "background" sounds in my case...
I did write Bill Harris an email questioning why I heard these sounds etc. NO REPLY-funny thing was I had signed up as an affiliate back then to sell this along with a few other affiliate thingy's...(tryin to make a buck online back then with secret stuff...
Never did I ever hear back from Billy boy...sure didn't care about his affiliates OR clients...all I wanted to know was why I heard high pitched screeching...It wasn't faulty C.D.'s either because my friend heard beautiful chiming sounds and he was able to "meditate" I couldn't wait to medicate with an anti-nauseant and prayed it would kick in like REAL fast!
15 years ago @ The Salty Droid - The DMCA and the Damned · 1 reply · +1 points
We do tend to attract those like ourselves...
Makes me wonder about Roman Polanski's supporters --- like it makes me wonder about Harlan Kilstein supporters...
or Belcher supporters... especially when it comes to those in the "industry" who defend his "little mistake... which EVERYONE makes"
what is REALLY going on in their own closets?---selling sugar pills to the sick is hardly "a little mistake" ---
15 years ago @ The Salty Droid - The DMCA and the Damned · 0 replies · +1 points
Play that tune for us one more time Salty! Please? For me???
Now I am about to say something very un lady like-----
"Harlan YOU are a Fucking Pig!"
and one more thing Harlan :: You are Done...!
15 years ago @ The Salty Droid - The DMCA and the Damned · 3 replies · +1 points
Because that is what "they" do...
Even if they are caught or found out...they will minimize it, or dismiss it as if "it was nothing"
They blame the victim {someone needs to take the blame}
They will twist things around to make themselves look "innocent" and they make the innocent, look, or feel guilty...they will come up with elaborate outright lies...they will play the "false memory" card...
blaming the therapist for "putting things in their heads"
They will say that their victims are crazy, or they are on drugs...
They will say that "the victim" is out to get them...they might even say things like "I don't know why she is doing this to us after all we have done"
They will blame it on the weed you smoked in high school...or the weed you smoke now...or the Prozac you admitted to now being on...
"THEY" will blame you, shame you, and harass you...and... if you say another word about it...God forbid... "They will DISOWN YOU" ( Ouch That Will Hurt! ) ...NOT...
The may even say things like "She /He didn't say NO" and worse yet...she/he wanted it...
They will convince themselves that it didn't happen...talk about *false memory* or selective memory...
They are a SICK breed :: more common than people could ever know...
Roman Polanski is a good example of that... look at his supporters...
The guy pleads guilty to a "lesser" charge...ALL evidence points in his direction... Power, booze, drugging,,, But we won't call it a REAL Rape... after all he only sodomized her... that can't be sexual assault ....can it???
Harlan Kilstein is guilty of one thing for CERTAIN...and that is -- "LYING"--
oh...AND Sexual Harassment...OH, and One more thing he is guilty of...
Impersonating a Droid and Putting Up Fake Blogs...I guess that would be 2 more things...oh, heck...but who's counting...
It is only a matter of time...Harlan...do you hear the-- "tick-tock-tic-tock" --"You should...cause its Loud and Clear from where I am sitting...!!!"