Jonathan Moss

Jonathan Moss


32 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Why Divorce Sucks · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for that, Rick. I have no personal experience with divorce in my own family, since both of my parents are still together.

It's interesting that you say that marriage comes easy than most people make it out to be. Is that because when you simply follow God, everything falls into place, or does that have anything to do with your character or your wife's character?

And, also a good point, when stating that we have to make a big deal of anniversaries. My grandparents just had their 50th wedding anniversary, and when I think about it, that's really astounding, because 50 years is a long time, especially to my 22 year old mind!

14 years ago @ Adam Herod - how to handle a friend... · 1 reply · +1 points

How long have you known some of these people? I don't know if I'd call them out via a Facebook Message, but what I'd do is talk to them, if you know them well. Just take them out to coffee and call them out in love.

My 2 cents.

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Fasting from Dating · 0 replies · +1 points

That's interesting. Thanks for that response, I just hate that some are forced to fast from dating, instead of taking a biblical approach by repenting daily.

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Fasting from Dating · 2 replies · +1 points

Joseph, glad to see you're reading the blog!

Thanks for your comment, and I would agree with you that God is indeed sovereign. God's sovereignty is something that encourages me as I live life.

Here's my point in making those examples: if God is sovereign, then why fast from dating, as if to say, "God, I trust that you are sovereign, but I'm not going to do this one thing for a certain time?" That's not trusting in God at all. That's denying something that God intended to be good.

In no way am I pointing to another argument (red herring), because you could very well swap out "not going to the grocery store (which is a not a bad thing) so I'm not tempted" with "not dating girls (which is not a bad thing) so I'm not tempted."

Here's my biggest issue with it, we are basically claiming, by stating that we aren't dating for year, that we are denying ourselves what was made right in the eyes of God, a man and a woman being together.

If you struggle with idolatry by putting your boyfriend or girlfriend above the Lord, then repent.
If you struggle with gluttony by spending more money on food than on the mission of the Lord, then repent.

There's no need to stop doing something like dating for a year, if you trust God daily to provide for you, as is the definition of God being Sovereign.

And finally, I don't condemn those who hold a different opinion, simply because it's an opinion, but God isn't telling me to do one thing or another, rather, God desires that I trust him in everything.

14 years ago @ - Another Giveaway · 1 reply · +1 points

I've been reading for like 4 weeks now. woot. pick me!

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Simply Unbelievable · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Steph!!

i love that song, and the quote by Brennan McManning is so true.

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Simply Unbelievable · 0 replies · +1 points

It\'s still too true even though it\'s such an old song.

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - My Manic Monday · 0 replies · +1 points

now i'll be forced to carry my Nikon around, which is can be a good thing. by the way, your other pictures are incredible. Canon 5D = amazing.

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - My Manic Monday · 0 replies · +1 points

awesome! add me on facebook/twitter, i'd love to get lunch/coffee some day, and maybe, just maybe, i can be as good as you

14 years ago @ To Whom It May Concern - Seminary · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you very much for letting me know! I\'m definitely going to look into it.