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2 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah! At least I think so...

edit: Allowing third-party cookies worked again, yay!

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 2 replies · +1 points

Glad I could help ^^

But I don't know about mobile, I'm sorry; I was unable to make it work there...

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi there!

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +1 points

It works ^^ I still think the problem is the way the script was put together and that web browsers changed how they handle http and cookies and such. Not sure how ID can fix that...

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 4 replies · +2 points

I enabled third-party cookies and now I'm able to comment ^^

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh man... my various previous attempts at trying to make it work didn't do well...
Last time I forgot to enable third-party cookies, but I did it now, so I hope this time it works ^^

Yay, it did work! I wasn't expecting it to be that what was causing the problem. On a very old device with an old web browser it didn't work to comment, so I wasn't expecting for much this time.

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +2 points

I feel the same way about it, lol. And yea, I'm kinda surprised about it. I thought you guys would make another page in the meanwhile ^^
lol, that's exactly what I do too, most of the time unintentionally... And yes I agree
Same with me ^^ it was this fandom that made me more open to others.
I see, so it's not as uncommon as I thought. I think the other MLP forums were not as close as this group of friends ^^ And I don't think this place will go either

Nice to see you too ^^ And yes, ID forever, even after all this time.

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Lunar!

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +2 points

It is because of the way the JavaScript code was put together years ago. Back then it didn't matter if it was http or https; nowadays it does.

Trying to login from the button here won't work (at least it didn't for me), but loggin' from the ID website will work.

3 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +1 points

yo man!