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13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Actress Nixon\'s claim... · 2 replies · +22 points

I find it absoletely hysterical that the gay activist community is handing out judgement on Cynthia Nixon for expressing why she is gay, just because she didn't say it in a way that they approve of. They demand tolerance, acceptance and equality from the rest of the world but are now publicly criticizing a proud gay women on why she thinks she's gay..... Seriously!!!??? It's kinda like Westboro church boycotting Steve Job's furneral but tweeting that fact from their iphones.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 0 replies · -4 points

I'm a history addict, so I know full well about what used to be done. We used to "know" the world was flat, right? We used to "know" that all planets revolved around the earth and killed those who thought differently, right?

I also know full well how vital a car is - I've had 3 stolen from me and it's one of the most violating things to ever go through. However, I do not for ONE minute think that it would be okay for me to shoot and kill someone over my car. I can take the bus, I can get a ride, I can walk, I can apply for assistance, I can try any means necessary..... .but if I kill someone, I have taken a life and to me, my car is never worth a life, no matter how that person chose to live it.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 0 replies · -3 points

No they don't. But do I have the right to kill them based on that? My answer to that is no.
I'm just trying to figure out why so many people are okay with this equation......

Person A steals from Person B = Okay for Person B to kill Person A
Doesn't that scare any of you? Because where do you draw the line? What about this.....

Someone cuts me off at a light, that's illegal, can I then ram my car into them?
Someone lies to me and it costs me money, can I then go steal that money back?

Just think about that the next time maybe you act out of line and someone decides to "give you what you deserve" at their leisure. Doesn't have to be illegal to use the same mentality. An eye for an eye just makes the world go blind, I think Ghandi once said. Or is that old wise saying not relevant anymore?

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 0 replies · +1 points

We don't have a problem because prison is so cushy. It starts in the home. No one but the parental units are responsible for raising a healthy, well-adjusted human beings with respect for human life and empathy for others. And yes, perfectly good parents can end up with bad kids and someone good kids can come out of a home with awful parents. I know a 6 year old that's allowed to play Call of Duty. I'm in NO way saying that video games cause a person to become violent. However, since the parents still have not explained the difference between real life and make-believe life - and explained that Marines are heros, not just violent men and women - this kid now thinks it's okay to go around school saying "The few, the proud, the ones that will blow your face off if you don't do what we say". Where do you think he'll end up if the parents don't do anything?

I'm not excusing bad behaviour because someone had an awful childhood. Just trying to get you to look at it differently. Even if jail was cushy (which it's not), we're still going to have people going there if more parents don't take charge at a young age.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 2 replies · -4 points

Grumps, I am more commenting towards all the death happy, he-deserved-it wackadoodles on here. I've seen it over and over and over with Komo commentors. A criminal dies and they say "Yippee!!!". Yet an innocent little girl dies and they go "awww, oh sad". To me, human life is human life and it's ALL valuable. I'm just trying to figure out what the criteria is for value of human life. Why is it acceptable to say that a theif should die just because I'm trying to protect my material possesions - but not acceptable to say that maybe it's not right to go around killing someone just because they're on your property?

It's scary to me that so many people do not have respect for a human life JUST BECAUSE that specific human life decided to steal something. Since when does stealing deserve death? That's my only question.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 1 reply · -13 points

No you may not be a theif, but haven't you ever done something bad? Since that answer is yes, you're just lucky that the person you did it to didn't think exactly like you do.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 1 reply · -2 points

Okay, I'll bite! So according to your logic, who needs the courts anyways? Why waste all our time talking with educated lawyers and judges about what took place and the legal consequences for it? Pshaw, it's so much more cost effective to just shoot (or choke) people who are stealing things. Shame on us for wasting so much money trying to make sure society doesn't fall back to the old west days. Hell, why don't we just start having duals in the streets! Better yet, let's subsidize funding for every citizen to have a gun. That way, when the young man from around the corner decides to steal an old boat motor, we can just shoot 'em dead. That man is a theif, so who cares about the mother who's worried sick about her son that she can't seem to help. We only care about defending what's ours, right?

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 0 replies · -3 points

No one is asking for sympathy. Those of us who think the 23 year old did NOT deserve to die just wanted the justice system to take care of it and not some old guy.

And if there's a problem with the justice system taking care of this appropriately, then shame on us for not voting in the right people and for not taking control of our own public systems.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 0 replies · 0 points


Dying for stealing. That's accountability? I thought we gave jail time for stealing and reserved death for ya know, serial killers and the like.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Everett man who fought... · 1 reply · -5 points

Hey, it's really easy to not kill people too. Don't put so much value in your boat motor that you're willing to cut off someone's air supply for any length of time, no matter what the intention is.