I thought that was an entertaining read then the fast and furious issue arose...kind of life imitating art.
An interesting view of Entitlement mentality on a large scale. What GM is doing appears strikingly similar to someone who is on social assistance, Housing assistance, Food stamps, Medical care, and has a newer model luxury car (ironically I picture a Cadillac), a new large flat screen T.V., $300 phone, lots of Jewelry... In other words GM adopts the "I'll take what I can get and all that I can get" approach.
We can be confident that GM employees involved in acquiring the State "assistance" are going to be rewarded with large bonuses. Maybe they'll buy themselves new Cadillacs with their bonus money.
"Have some new-media moguls and some Tea Party Congressmen moderate." Yes I want to hear about their perspective on the NDAA, the Fed, SOPA etc. I'd love to get them talking about a variety of imporatant issues other than the fluffy nonsense that has been thrown at them.
What a novel idea, the candidates listening to the people. This idea if it catches on could land someone in the White House. Looks like Ron Paul has started something...
Italy with the same credit rating as Kazakhstan...what a shame. Our Fat Cat Federal Politicians better wake up and smell the coffee as we are heading down the same river, sans a paddle.
Or perhaps the People at this point don't care about a Republican title because we want a President who will uphold the Constitution. People are concerned about the future of our Great Country not about the "Republican party". Ron Paul 2012.
It appears the Obama's have a famous court Jester. I wonder if Johnny Depp made ballons for the kids...
He is just preparing us for what is to come under a Romney Administration...more of the same. As they say in SE Asia "Same, same but different".
Ron Paul 2012. It seems the popular tick against Dr Paul is "foreign policy" that being stated we better take care of business at home first. With a plundering economy, no production and a declining dollar, our foreign policy will be dictated by China if we don't rally here at home first. The world will still be there in 2016 and if we need a change then we can make it but for now we need to address Domestic issues...primarily the importance of the Constitution.
Agreed life is generally preferable. Perhaps most modern Americans would better understand "Live Free or Exist". It seems with all the electronic gadgets many people are opting for the Exist as reflected by the Republican candidates...with the exception of Ron Paul. Apathy is ruining modern civilization.