


7 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Suggestions for Angel ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great advice, Brad. People over ideas, act quickly, run in packs -- all things I've heard time and again from great angels. Taking a portfolio approach is also critical. While I wouldn't expect most angels to be quite as promiscuous as you were, the numbers I've seen suggest you should do at least a dozen -- perhaps twenty -- investments to be safe, and you should spread those out over a few years to account for fluctuations in the market. You also want to hold some money in reserve for follow-on investments to avoid dilution.

Sorry you couldn't make it to Angel Boot Camp (and that we didn't connect at Demo Night). But thanks for all your support leading up to the event!

14 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - What I learned at Ange... · 1 reply · +1 points

Glad you made it up, Gabriel. It was great meeting you, and I hope you enjoyed Angel Boot Camp. Drop me a line next time you're up this way.

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Angel Boot Camp in Bos... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the shout out, Brad! We have some pretty amazing speakers lined up, including TechStars' own David Cohen, with more on the way. So it's shaping up to be a great event. If anyone's interested in attending, you can request an invite on the site. Hope to see you there!

14 years ago @ TechStars Blog - Boston\'s Angel Boot Camp · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the shout out, David. I couldn't have put it any better. Angels really are the life blood of startups (along with entrepreneurs, of course). Without the seed capital and mentorship that angels provide, so many successful companies simply would not exist.

With Angel Boot Camp, my hope is to not only educate but also to inspire. We need to celebrate angel investing as the critical ingredient in innovation that it is, especially in areas like internet and mobile where capital requirements have fallen so much as to now be fundamentally misaligned with traditional VC. Plus, as you say, being an angel investor is incredibly fun and rewarding.

If anyone's interested in learning more about Angel Boot Camp or related efforts, I've been writing about it on my blog.

I'm thrilled to have David joining us, along with several other outstanding speakers. David's leadership of TechStars will serve as a great example for prospective angels in the audience.

15 years ago @ Laughing Squid - Laughing Squid Expands... · 0 replies · +1 points

Welcome to the east coast, Scott!

16 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Introducing "Guess My ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome! This is a perfect use of Geode and Skyhook technology. Now, how about that native iPhone application?!

16 years ago @ Startup Weekend - Web2.0NYC Recap · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice writeup, Andrew. It was great to meet you.