2p2 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ - Why did I do it? · 1 reply · +1 points
But that is your right. You just have better potential than jabbing people you don't know in the back of the head like a little 6th grade wanna-be-bully on the bus.
15 years ago @ - Why did I do it? · 3 replies · +1 points
While I and many others immediately realized that no one in their right minds would ever actually accuse anyone of such a heinous crime as you allude to in the "" we addressed you once had registered, surely you know some of the many idiots on the web surely would love that to be true (never mind that they would have had to wish a girl had been victimized). My question to you is why you would pick Glenn Beck specifically. I mean, there are any number of sad and disgusting ultra right wingers out there like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. I tend to be conservative and yet even I can't stand them.
I guess the reason that your ribbing of Mr. Beck caught my eye is that I'm guilty of a being obsessed with other obsessive people like myself. I only wanted to say hello and wish you the very best of luck. I hope you don't waste your obvious gift of the twisted humor I do enjoy on taking uncalled-for insinuations about a single person.
After all, I don't like Barack Obama. In fact, I would say that I hate him. But I would never insinuate that he did something like that and then try to respond with "I didn't say he DID it... and I had a disclaimer way at the bottom of my web page!". Exceedingly bad taste, sir.
I hope you don't waste your obvious gift for the twisted humor I do enjoy on unwarranted personal attacks. Those can come back to haunt you in the worst of ways.
And it wouldn't be simply obsessive. It would be rather pathetic.