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12 years ago @ Wonkette - Meet Your New Vice Pre... · 0 replies · +10 points
Sooooooooo. There's only two ways to increase take-home pay for working Americans. The first is to print more money. Since he would never do that because that would be socialist, he will obviously do the second, which is to DECREASE take home pay for the upper class working Americans. That sounds a bit like a redistribution of wealth, doesn't it? Paul Ryan: either a liar or a socialist.
Of course, he could just be talking about lowering taxes, which would require gutting Medicare and social security, which won't fly in Florida, which will equal an Obama victory, which totally vindicates Romneycare, which is all Mitt's really in this for, anyway.
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Sad Pimp James O'Keefe... · 0 replies · +4 points
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Gazillionaire Mitt Rom... · 7 replies · +59 points
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Bachmann's Insane Vacc... · 1 reply · +15 points
It sure would have been refreshing if he said, ""If you're saying I can be bought, I'm offended."
But he didn't.
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Here Is Your Wonkette ... · 4 replies · +10 points
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Murdoch Biz Columnist:... · 1 reply · +10 points
1. The media has successfully convinced "real Americans" (you know, the armed ones) that the true enemy of America is the middle class.
2. The super rich can afford to pay Blackwater and other PMCs to fight on their behalf. Libtards don't stand a chance.
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Donald Trump Releases ... · 1 reply · +6 points
13 years ago @ Wonkette - Get Ready: U.S. Expand... · 5 replies · +10 points
Same with Obama. He's a smart guy. Yet almost everything he touches turns to shit. Not to mention he's broken nearly every campaign promise he's made. It's as if someone pulled him aside after his inauguration and said, "Listen, if you want your wife and daughters on the ark to Mars after we destroy Earth's natural resources, you'll forget all that 'change' shit and do exactly what we tell you to do. Otherwise you'll end up like JFK."
What names do both Bush and Obama's White House visitors list have in common? How about Reagan's or Clinton's? What's the endgame, here? I'd investigate things myself, but I'm going to go play Angry Birds on my iPod instead.
13 years ago @ Wonkette - G.E. So Good At Evadin... · 0 replies · +6 points
In fact, those pesky, uppity employees who I have to pay salaries and benefits to? Those fuckers are the real enemies. If I didn't have to pay them so much, I could profit even more!!
14 years ago @ Wonkette - Louisiana: Wikipedia P... · 0 replies · +61 points