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6 years ago @ - Hulk Hogan\'s Reaction... · 5 replies · +22 points

He's not saying he's sorry for what he did. He's saying repeatedly that he's sorry people are mad at him for it. His excuse is if they knew him better they would know that he's not a racist because he only uses the N-word when there are no black people around and a racist would call a black person the n-word to their face (this is his legit logic), he then goes on to blame them for not knowing the unwritten rule that they have to forgive him because they're all wrestlers.

Randy Savage in several interviews warned us that Hogan was terrible person who will back stab you when you're not around and who has no grasp of how the real world works and thinks it revolves around him. Somewhere in the great beyond he and Piper are having a good laugh about this.

6 years ago @ - Hulk Hogan\'s Reaction... · 1 reply · +11 points

and you'd be in the same situation he is in. Everyone has the right to do and say stupid things but no one is immune to consequences.

6 years ago @ - Dean Ambrose Set to Re... · 0 replies · +4 points

My guess is Seth Rollins current feud with Ziggler and Mcintyre is foreshadowing Ambroses return.

6 years ago @ - Batista Defends Direct... · 1 reply · +6 points

I'd like to warn you. There are shows in the United States called South Park and Family Guy. Don't watch them you'll be offended every 30 seconds.

6 years ago @ - News on Fox Possibly A... · 0 replies · -5 points

Problem is Fox would want NXT to be live and right now NXT is way worse than TNA ever was as far as hemorrhaging money so no way the WWE would want to add to that debt especially with XFL coming back soon. NXT being on the Network is the only thing keeping that brand alive since it is popular with network subscribers so it's beneficial that way.

FS1 is going to be losing a lot of programming once the big switch from UFC to WWE happens this fall so they will have to replace all those pointless UFC based talk shows for pointless WWE talk shows. On the bright side maybe the return of Shaun Mooney?

6 years ago @ - WWE Reportedly Interes... · 0 replies · +3 points

This is a wrestling observer piece. IE someone in WWE said "hey, those guys on Lucha Underground are really good" and Meltzer translated it to WWE is interested in them.

In other words, this article is either a half truth or just complete speculation. Legally the WWE can't even talk about interest in them if they're under contract to someone else as that would be tampering. Though Chris Jericho did mention that the WWE got around tampering during his time in WCW by inviting him to "pool parties" at Vinces house that happened to "coincidentally" have creative and contract meetings during them that they'd ask his opinion about if it were to happen "hypothetically". I gained so much respect for Vince once I found that out.

6 years ago @ - Backstage Updates on D... · 0 replies · +15 points

He's re-signed. Not the first time the WWE has played the dirt sheets to push a "shoot" storyline. They did it with CM Punk and the entire "yes" movement was dirt sheet manipulation.

If he only had 1 month left on his contract and wouldn't be re-signing we'd see him less than Brock Lesnar right now.

6 years ago @ - Hidden messages in IMP... · 2 replies · -6 points

Christian appearing in TNA while under contract to WWE was the result of a settlement to prevent a lawsuit and not exactly a "good faith" working agreement. Every company Jericho has worked since leaving has a working relationship with WWE. The only reason they are getting TNA footage now is because it comes from the Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter days who also both have working relationships with WWE.

6 years ago @ - Huge change in works f... · 0 replies · +5 points

TMZ actually posts news. They just get it because some guy is literally sitting in a trashcan somewhere listening in on meetings.

This is more National Enquirer (make it up because it sounds right and there's a 30% chance it might happen the way you guessed).

6 years ago @ - Rumors on The Rock Bei... · 3 replies · -9 points

The Rock is making leading man money now. He can tell whomever what he is and is not going to do so if he wants to come back and wrestle a 2 hour Iron man match he will. Rock was still a B-list celebrity having type cast roles in cookie cutter action movies who couldn't afford the bigger action stars of the time during his last run like Bautista is now. Now the last few years of movies he has executive producer credits on.

Huge difference between "We're making a movie and need a muscle guy in it" (then) and "We wrote a movie for the Rock to be in, see if he's available" (now).