You are 100 % correct and as long as he can keep this racial crap up, he will win another 4 yrs in 2012. This scumbag is just as bad if not worse than those elected officials in Govt. who continue to undermine everything this country stands for. Until America votes these scumbags out of office, we are all doomed. I hope those who voted for Obama got the "Change" they wanted. Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will continue to vent the "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain. We must remove the scumbags from Washington both Republican and Democrat that do not support the Constitution nor We the People as they were elected to do. At least 75% of both parties must be voted out and put in some fresh blood that really cares for America. Next goal, Term limits, 8 yrs max.
Fact is, They are not representing "We the People". The task in which they were elected. Their performance is Far below expectations and we all know there is over 75% of the elected officals both Democrat and Republican that must be voted out of office . I will continue my plea to start the "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain. Its the only way we can take back the best country on the planet!
Fact is, They are not representing "We the People". The task in which they were elected. Their performance is Far below expectations and we all know there is over 75% of the elected officals both Democrat and Republican that must be voted out of office . I will continue my plea to start the "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain. Its the only way we can take back the best country on the planet!
Fact is, They are not representing "We the People". The task in which they were elected. Their performance is Far below expectations and we all know there is over 75% of the elected officals both Democrat and Republican that must be voted out of office . I will continue my plea to start the "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain. Its the only way we can take back the best country on the planet!
Fact is, They are not representing "We the People". The task in which they were elected. Their performance is Far below expectations and we all know there is over 75% of the elected officals both Democrat and Republican that must be voted out of office . I will continue my plea to start the "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain. Its the only way we can take back the best country on the planet!
Its been a while since I have posted comments due to frustration with our Govt. but I will start up again. PLEASE READ!!!!! Americans, we must start a "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain who are not representing this country. If you dont see it by now, this country is falling apart piece by piece and some of our elected officials do not have Americas best interest at heart. I have posted this idea for some time on this website and got alot of good feedback but it will take more than me to get Glenn Beck interest like the Tax Revolts did. Everyone with a real mind and heart knows at least 75% of the elected officials deserve to not be reelected, especially the Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Frank, Murtha, etc. and that is just a few. They are the scum of the earth and if our forefathers knew people like this would take power of this country in the future, we all know they would have added more specifics in the Constitution and its amendments to prevent this craziness we are now living in.
Its been a while since I have posted comments due to frustration with our Govt. but I will start up again. PLEASE READ!!!!! Americans, we must start a "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain who are not representing this country. If you dont see it by now, this country is falling apart piece by piece and some of our elected officials do not have Americas best interest at heart. I have posted this idea for some time on this website and got alot of good feedback but it will take more than me to get Glenn Beck interest like the Tax Revolts did. Everyone with a real mind and heart knows at least 75% of the elected officials deserve to not be reelected, especially the Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Frank, Murtha, etc. and that is just a few. They are the scum of the earth and if our forefathers knew people like this would take power of this country in the future, we all know they would have added more specifics in the Constitution and its amendments to prevent this craziness we are now living in.
As we all know, most elected officals wont answer the phone let alone read a letter you write to their office. The only way to get their attention is to vote the scumbags out of office. Please help by sending emails to Glenn Beck to push what I have been posting on this website for some time now called: "Vote the Incumbents OUT" campagain. we all know 75% or more of both Democrats and Republicans must be replaced. They do not love America and they sure dont represent "We the People" whom they were elected to serve. Please pass this on and submit to Glenn Beck.
We the People!!! Beautiful words from the Constitution that most people have forgotten. You are so right and if we could only start a "Vote the Incumbents Out" campagain with Glenn Becks help kinda like he did the tax revolt, I think we would get Washington's undivided attention. They would not sleep at night knowing we are going to vote their sorry butt's out of office and take back our Awesome country.