I am angry about the bankruptcy of chrysler and gm. That the government has stepped in and done things that aren't right or ethical and they are getting backed up by the courts make me mad. However there is something I can do about it and there is something we can do about it. I am calling for a boycott on all things gm or chrystler we may not be able to change the way they have done things but we do not have to participate in what they have done.
Since this is a very special weekend for me I thought I would thank all of the soldiers who have ever served my beloved country. I am here only by the grace of god who saved my father in vietnam if not for him I would not be. I can not thank you enough for all that you have done or will do so please have a blessed weekend with all my respect and admiration.
so on the news they were making comments about the new terrorists that were arrested and how they weren't being sent to gitmo. Well the answer is they are americans and have american rights the people at gitmo are not americans and do not have our rights and why would I give them those rights that they would trod upon.
They are but that is not enough if we don't believe what they send or if we have ideas that we might think will work. then we should be giving them to congress so they understand what we want and maybe we will have a better idea then they do. I feel that most things will be solved by the people but if we don't talk with them as well as talk with each other we have a bigger problem.
I just had a lovely conversation with my repressentive's Healthcare person. I would suggest you do the same. The main thing I got from it was that we call and are saying we don't want it but no one is offering solutions. I had sent a list of 7 different ideas to deal with healthcare without increasing government control. I got feed back and am thinking even more of different ways to deal with it. So I hope you all will go to them with ideas as well as complaints.
what would be some of your solutions to the healthcare reform that Obama wants passed through the house by the end of july. Do any of you have any ideas to give senators,congressmen or others to keep it from becoming national healthcare?
I have read several of the comments I find them interesting. with all the differing views I was wondering If any of the people were calling senators or coming up with different ideas of how to deal with situations. I know that for my family and my self we are studying the constituition with our children. I am also calling my congressmen to let them know weekly and on topics wether I like their stances or not. I also send Ideas of how to deal with things in ways that I think are common sense. Just wanted to know if you all had anything like that going on?