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15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - A More Healthy Perspec... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - ChurchCrunch Breaks 3k... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ DNSLNS - To the woman that crap... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ DNSLNS - ITLT... Family | DNSLNS · 1 reply · +1 points
My family was incredible. I can't complain. My dad was a children's minister, who often stood on his head, made jokes and spontaneously planned a weekend trip to some strange southern land mark, "just to get out of the house." They definitely exercised "not sparing the rod" when we were kids, but as we grew up we never had curfews (until I started coming home at - we were never gounded, instead our punishment came in the form of 3 hour lectures or sermons (often until the weeee hours of the night) which has ultimately led to our families strong ability to communicate AND debate for that matter. Dad always wanted to understand our "thinking" and why we came to a decision to make our crazy mistakes, and we were free to stake our case (but never winning, of course).
My mom is my best friend. she was the ultimate nurturer, (somewhat to my demise) - helping us get our clothes on before school, (while still in bed) just so we didn't have to get up in the cold. The ultimate cook. she packed surprise notes in our lunch boxes to remind us that she was thinking about us. the ultimate mom. birhdays and special days were (and are) always a martha-stewart-style celebration. Our sibling rivalries would always end with 'now hug and Kiss your brother and tell him you love him...No, hug him like you mean it." Still when we all head back to our home, there is a big Partridge family style 'group hug' and then Dad will get serious and pray over our travels.
Where my brothers and I used to fight when we were little, something happened around Jr. High and we became pals. Our pastors son and daughter were also close and my brother and I (the competitive ones) decided that they were NOT going to be better than us! lol. The 3 of us were all in high school at the same time, so people knew our family. we picked up the hugging mom made us do as kids, and in High School, we would catch each other in the hall and give each other a big hug. We were close and people knew we loved each other. Even as adults, married with families of our own now, we still have an amazing bond of love and friendship.
15 years ago @ DNSLNS - ITLT... Family | DNSLNS · 0 replies · +1 points
there comes a point when we all have to find out who we are in Christ...not through our church and not through our family. Who is He through us, in us? i have to come to the point where you find it on your own & its a journey worth discovering. and is actually a way to move into, "i was failed - but i refuse to become a failure." if no one else will set the Mark, I will set it and make it right. i think that's the point of the polar-opposite syndrome we seem to all have. We desire the TRUTH at our core. No fakers allowed. that's why our parents Hate Reality TV shows, and we love them. that's why viral & social marketing works for us. we don't really want things in a package. We just want the truth. does it really work?
your Father's "Christianity" is NOT for you but, the REALITY of True Christianity may be...and just maybe, you will bring a Reality to a generation of millions of others just like yourself, seeking a Real true relationship. so - if you want it go get it!
15 years ago @ DNSLNS - It\'s Tuesday... Let\'... · 1 reply · +2 points
>Dan, a big YEAH to you for creating this window of "nitty gritty" truth telling. I appreciate John G's transparency - because his voice is like so many others out there who haven't found 'it' in the world and who have became disgusted by the FORM of 'it' in the church. sad. and true. And I have seen first hand what he is talking about. The emptiness, the shell of religion, the longing for more, expecting it from your mentors, your leaders, who ultimately fail you, who fail themselves, who fail God.
But, "all we like sheep, have gone astray." Compolo brings it straight. We have to do some introspection, some self digging first. And I'm probably gonna need to spend the most amount of time of anyone, in that confession booth on the street! Because while we can spin our wheels trying to go back over the last 2000 years of church history and debate what "might have happened" or even strum up every detail of our recent embittered experience being hurt from our fellow "Christians" within the so called NT Church - our bigger question is what this "Lord Save Us" film is all about --- What are we going to do....NOW?
So back to point. My fave is the Bono Quote: “Even though I was a believer, and perhaps because I was a believer, I was cynical , not about God...but about God’s politics.”
Not sure what Bono means here about "God's politics" - but I do relate to the cynical human nature, and sick of the selfish pride that often drives man out of God's intended plan.
but the question at hand: What are we going to do--NOW? Thinking about all of the challenges this film relates, it seems there are centuries of debating to be done, researching, studying, building my case for "What I Believe" - i feel the age old, churched feeling of "need to get to work" rising...
but I'm stopping in this moment today to do the only thing I can do, looking inside of me, seeking God to change me, start within me...