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15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 0 replies · +1 points
You can think of an executor as a build "slot" on a particular VM. These determine how many simultaneous jobs can run on that slave, and allows you to tune how much pressure Hudson will put on your slave VM. If you have one slave with two CPU cores, and another with a single core, you might allocate 3 executors to the first one, and only 2 to the second.
Why 3 and 2, instead of 2 and 1? In my experience, some builds can get "wedged" waiting for SCM to respond, waiting for network timeouts in your repository access (the network can always fail), etc. So, having # cores +1 executors gives you the ability to keep building even if one of your jobs gets stuck.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Create a Customized Bu... · 0 replies · +1 points
However, I chose to reference the book chapters in this post since (I hope) it gives a more user-friendly introduction. It also gives the reader a natural jumping-off point from which to learn more about the rest of Maven, since there's a pretty complete table of contents available.
As for documentation on writing custom lifecycle mappings, artifact handlers, and the workarounds necessary to get it all working, I'm unaware of any pre-existing documentation out in the wild...
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Maven 2.2.0 Released! · 0 replies · +1 points
For the 2.2.1 release we're planning, we've reverted to using the Sun http implementation to give us the chance to sort out the problems with the httpclient-driven wagon. However, 2.2.1 will also give users more flexibility to specify which wagon implementation they want to use for a particular protocol, so if we get a new version of the httpclient-driven wagon released users should be able to make immediate use of it.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Maven 2.2.0 Released! · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Maven 2.2.0 Released! · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 0 replies · +1 points
This allows us to standardize the runtime environment for all slave instances without being forced to manage environment variables in their default locations (.bashrc on *nix usually, or the system registry on Windows).
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 1 reply · +1 points
If you have any wisdom to offer on this point, I'd be really interested to hear.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 0 replies · +1 points
The graph is probably the most useful, since you can see a little history there (it tends to be a bit difficult to catch the VMWare server at a moment of high utilization, since it will respond to the infra client sluggishly). The spikes on that graph are what you're watching for. Scanning our graph right now, I can see that we're peaking at around 80% of resources, and only staying there momentarily. Responsiveness within the farm during those times is probably a little sluggish, but as long as you're not hanging out in the high-utilization zone for too long, things should keep rolling along pretty well.
Hope that helps.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Hudson Build Farm ... · 0 replies · +1 points