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6 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
7 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
Whether something sounds arrogant, it seems to me, depends on both the content and the audience. This spot here is a blogsome blog, indeed my blog, and for some reason I still get excited upon cracking through something that feels opaque. The title is an expression of one moment of such excitement.
7 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
Also, I'm not sure I need three people encouraging me to do the same reckless thing. Publishing this I did seems reckless enough.
What the note above was really driving at re. the n-Lab thing is that I believe the presheaf description is closer to the nLab philosophy, and furthermore seems to me (if indeed I've not gone off the rails) to have been the original intent of the definition-by-fiddly-bits, except I currently lack a proper library and can't find a reference for my suspicion. As I've told Mike and said over at the HoTT blog, I Want A Reference. "Surely the nLab would know the nLab-philosophy-description"... Steve Awodey seems to know the same thing, but I can't tell where he knows it from. I know the nLab is deliberately work-in-progress. This place here is where I put my own work-in-progress. Some of it is factually-wrong, but I mind that less, here.
7 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 1 reply · +1 points
8 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
8 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
8 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 1 reply · +1 points
When I say that html wants a representation of E3, I really mean that such a thing should be added to html. More: it is what every gui browser engine does with html already (breaking it into boxes and packing the boxes together), and if any underlying fact of browsers deserves to be made visible to html, that would be my first nomination. I don't suggest eliminating any features, (E3 doesn't talk about bold or italics or font faces or paragraphs) just that there is this conceptual gap in the baked-in semantics of css boxes.
And beyond that, I'm being ever-so-slightly sardonic as well.
8 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points
Have I not lamented the staleing of the internet?a
8 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 5 replies · +1 points
Yes, an exponent wants to be in a chained-rightwards box, and inside that box it wants to be raised up (over an empty box, maybe, or "vertical-align:top" or such). That's not difficult. $?bleft(?bfrac{1}{2}?bright)$ is
Brackets and radicals are more interesting; and really I think they're wanting to be part of what css today calls "borders" (and within that, the degree of a radical wants to be placed like an exponent to the left... And this is What <a href="http://t.umblr.com/redirect?az=https%3A%2F%2 Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fcustom-elements%2F&t=Y2NlODgyMjJiODM2YWJkZGU3MDA5MmFmNjY4ODRiNGRkYTg0YTY3ZixIbUpDQkd6Tg%3D%3D" target="_blank">Custom Elements Is About (sort of--- only they want MORE).
Also, as PK mentions, typographically speaking All The Problems Are Solved --- the Hard problem, what mathml was really really for, is having a common presentation that Browsers know how to typeset AND serializers know how to recite for blind people AND that you can put into Maple or R or whathaveyou and get reasonable information about... and what makes this difficult is that mathematicians --- humans generally, even, are bad at enumerating implicit metadata.
9 years ago @ http://jessecmckeown.t... - jessecmckeown.tumblr.c... · 0 replies · +1 points