Jared Still

Jared Still


56 comments posted · 21 followers · following 4

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - 2 words that are shapi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Loved this insight--you're so right. I think it's an interesting phenomenon. One that generationally, we're just more free to verbalize. In generations past, you didn't dream to become something else, you just worked until that retirement and pension came. We are seeing that a) companies aren't loyal, and 150 year old companies can die over a weekend (Lehman Bros), and pensions already have died; and b) career has become a conglomerate of experiences and industries and lastly, c) I truly believe a greater proportion of GenX/Y'ers seek to find a way to make a living based around their talents and interests. The lazy ones wait for that to 'happen', the hard working ones grind it out, perhaps even over a decade or more.

I''m a defense contractor, but I want to represent NFL players and coaches.

15 years ago @ Texas Startup Blog - Infidelity and Startups · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post Alex! Really glad I got back to this in my G-reader feed.

I couldn't agree more with your premise or strategic & tactical implications.

I would contend the implications are the same for entrepreneur's raising non-institutional money, from either angel's or friends/family. The very first round of angel money I ever tried raising, wasted six months of my life in the pursuit of "bad money" from a potential investor who ultimately showed to be of increidbly low character. Really tough lesson, but in hindsight, if I had asked the simple question of myself, "Is this person someone I trust? Someone that meets my personal mission statement of 'doing great things with great people'?" I would have known the answer immediately.

Great post, and really encouraging to hear that in the eyes of at least those VC's, character is directly tied to ROI.

16 years ago @ Texas Startup Blog - Raising capital isn\'t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great point, Alex! Thanks for the studies resource too...

16 years ago @ Leading at the speed o... - My 2009 Goals · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much Jenni!

16 years ago @ Leading at the speed o... - My 2009 Goals · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much for the comment, Buddy! One of the foundations of writing out these goals was to be realistic with myself as well as challenging. Digging into the word is a part of my faith that really needs to grow...and practically speaking, raising five girls doesn't leave too much time for reading of any sort. The other aspect of it, is the way I plan to read; mediatate, study...use some great commentaries in the tough parts. Make sense?

16 years ago @ Texas Startup Blog - Are you Joe the Plumber? · 0 replies · +1 points

Good post, Alex. My heart hurt over the Joe Plumber saga....Amazing....hurts my faith in the American everyman that they would rather get a welfare check cleverly marketed as a "tax refund" than build a business, a job-creator and a legacy. (after all, how is it a refund if you're not paying any income taxes in the first place?).

16 years ago @ Leading at the speed o... - Military Leadership Pr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much Bradley! Please share your thoughts after you've re-read a few times!! :)

16 years ago @ Leading at the speed o... - Military Leadership Pr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much, Alex! Look forward to you continuing the conversation!

16 years ago @ Leading at the speed o... - Military Leadership Pr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much Matt! Apprecite it greatly!

Sent from my iPhone

16 years ago @ Texas Startup Blog - Android and ShopSavvy ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome, Alex! Congrats to you and your team on the awesome, awesome traction!