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13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 0 replies · +2 points
Now I enjoy peace and harmony within. And if I ever get out of harmony I can easily get back on track. I can now breath deeply and easily, relax my body and mind, and confidently affirm optimum health and wellness. Its a new world for me and I give thanks everyday that my condition has been corrected. The blessing in my trials however is that, having to work so persistently to improve my health and well-being, its not likely that I will ever take life for granted. Every deep, full breath I take fills me with immense joy and gratitude, being blessed with the stark contrast of where I was versus where I am now. It also reaffirms my confidence in my own power to influence and cultivate my well-being.
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 1 reply · +1 points
This little fact has actually been a trigger for confusion in my mind as I see many options but am faced with the challenge of even knowing what the best choice is. To clear up the confusion, after letting all the possible choices play out in my mind, I simply ask the question "what is the best choice?" then command my mind to consider all of the possibilities and form the most desirable conclusion. As I release it to do as I have specified and go about being happy doing whatever else catches my fancy, I trust that when its ready it'll grab my attention again to deliver the most beneficial solution according to my best interests.
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 0 replies · +3 points
The lesson says "included in prayer is praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, repentance, confession, and forgiveness." How these fit into my healing meditations: I "praise" my creator for the wonderful wisdom and power which moves the universe; I "give thanks" for having access to this power; I express "gratitude" that I am loved and that I am healing; I "repent" by being willing to let go of and release whatever ailment I may be experiencing; I "confess" through allowing that tense place within to fully express itself and tell its story; And I "forgive" whatever and whoever (including myself) may have had a part in creating the illness.
Yes, much to heal, but much is already done. Meditation and prayer has certainly improved my life in indescribable ways.
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 1 reply · +1 points
I too can relate to thought projections, at first "in limbo", just hanging there, but allowing for any improvements or clarifications I want to impress. I always get the feeling that "I already have received." Its just that I'm waiting for delivery. In the mean time, while I'm waiting for my package to arrive, I'm working at preparing the best I can to receive it. I'm making internal preparations as well as external preparations. And I'm planning ahead of time how I will care for whatever I've ordered while it is in my possession. That way, when it gets here, I'm confident in my ability to handle it competently and responsibly. And when it finally arrives I am expressing "Thanks!" every day for for it, even as I had expressed thanks for what I was about to receive and prayers for "ruling with wisdom." I also give thanks for all of the correction I have received over the years which has kept my path true toward the fulfillment of my deepest desires.
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 0 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 3 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 3 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 1 reply · +1 points
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 1 reply · +2 points
13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 5 replies · +2 points
Its just good to be on the lookout for such things when you're trying to get into trading because if your conscience isn't completely in line with what you're trying to do (for whatever reason) it won't let you have the insight you seek.
The Silva method teaches us to look for information that we need in a way that produces the most desirable outcome. Sometimes what you think you desire doesn't match your true desires, especially when it comes to things your conscience may question. Its also another thing to keep in mind when you're working with the Silva method. Its highly effective but your goals have to be true in order for it to work.