pretty pathetic when you cosider the 11 month investigation cost over 100k and yeilded about 600 dollars of weed, wow way to go police this bust justifies your expenditures, why would anyone think you guys are wasting or tax money?
we spent a couple thousand dollars to arrest and hose these 2 jokers over 60 dollars, wise use of our police force, i hope you guys still have an officer making 50k a year watching that phone incase any more hardened crims call for another 20bucks of weed. PATHETIC
you must have just watched bad boys 2 thats what they did in the movie to smuggle coke, but not weed its not worth enough, sorry your story is false. straight out of the movies, lol nice scare tactic though
so they have paid 20 million directly to the flood victums? i would like to see a list of the victums and the amounts they recovered, i would bet the city and big money were the largest collectors here
corbet makes a 6 figure salary from crst for a non exsistant position made for him when he got elected, crst donated 100,000 dollars to his campaign and the owner of crst retired to help with the goverenment of CR," flood recovery" right after corbett got elected, figure it out for your self, open your eyes people corbet is from and for big money this is a no win situation for the average citizen.
most doctors are failed vets,its much harder to become a vet then a doctor becuse doctors only help people vets have to know many different species
this is a joke, they charge prisoners to be in jail, most of these people dont work, have no intentions of working and the county will never see this money, it looks good on paper but the money is not there and never will be, it does no good to charge people with no means to stay in jail, how do we force them to pay? throw them back in jail? run up the bill on them some more. it a never ending cycle and will not pay for crap.
not just now we have been and will continue to as long as we keep voting these crooks into office, Brandstad? really? we learned nothing from the last time he filled his families coffers off this state? you cant hire crooks to run things and then be astonished when they start to steal, heck these guys are si slick they were doing while they were elected, we will find out at the next set of campaign commercials you can bank on that.
way to stand tall on your opinion, but I dissagree, you could find plenty of merit to back it up with little effort.