All I hope is that the police can sue the idiots who hurt them-or else sue the laker organization and win big! Or even better-sue bratton for sending them into the situation!
We are standing up! What else do you think we can do with this jerk in the white house?!!
so, do you mean no glenn beck either? frankly I'm getting a little tired of his scolding us for not being out in the streets. Does he think we should all just stand on street corners everyday and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"? I write and call congress, attend teaparties, talk to lots of people about the virtual takeover of our American way of life. Why the hell does Glenn keep telling us to wake up!! We ARE awake!
I have not watched that boob in years! B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!
To all Savage fans- HELLO-O-O-O-O INFIDEL!!! Savage has truly been on the cutting edge!!
Maybe no one else has noticed but Glenn seems to regularly complain that we aren't doing anything about the garbage being done by this pesident - I don't know what he expects-stand on street corners daily with signs, yelling," I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" ? I was part of a teaparty last April and plan to continue to be part of that movement every chance I get- but what does Glenn expect us to do other than that? e-mail and phone congress on specific issues- I do that too. What am I, and the rest of us not doing about obama's policies that can be done?