


2 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - The Brave New World Mo... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think the redesign is looking good. I was trying to think of something witty to say, but couldn't think of anything. So there you go. I will say this much: I was a commenter on Gawker for five years (I think, I'll have to check), and the commenter community has never been so interesting as it has become in the last week or so, and I'm stoked. The self-identified, DIY social network of crasstalk, etc., is so much cooler and more interesting. I'm staying. (If you'll have me.)

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - How to start commentin... · 0 replies · +2 points

I fee like Harry Potter arriving at Hogwarts for the first time. Good to be here. I was heartbreakturnip on gawker, and now I'm heartbreakturnp here because my name has to be 15 characters long.