The blanket fever story was a lie (Germs and their ability to spread disease was unknown at the time). so the lies you spread are some how different. people like you are often the biggest problem always so quick to run down their own country. you should go on obama's next apology tour. you take sins of two hundred years ago and superimpose them on wrongs being committed today and thats wrong. the fact of the matter is if native americans had the technology and intelligence they would have overrun europe. it was the spirit of the day. fast forward to today and we find people like you justifying the behavior of an evil tyrant. do the country a favor and look up "The stockholm syndrome" before continually siding with our enemies and those bent on destroying Israel.
yeah right some times the spin gets awful thin.before the racist duke went there the iranians loved Israel. jimmy carter had more to do with turning the irainian clock back two hundred years then the nobody duke. acceptance and tolerance of wrong behavior does more to destroy a county the anything else. Your dream of a state run media helps a lot too.
all i really want is a bottle M-D 20 20 but i did get this cool pocket protector from bill.
they will lower Z-BOOM tomorrow.
The mentality of these organization unfortunately is what ever you can do to take advantage of the establishment is justified. If we the" oppressed" break the law its ok because it is are only recourse. Banks red lined districts to safe guard their interest with the development of these organization those lines were removed and we are all paying the price for that now. In order for something to have value to you you have to earn it. Giving things to people only hurts them and everyone else. Acorn predictably failed.
you should rejoice its state controlled media. your dream.
your right when calling obama a liar a person should be more specific.