So many are In such a hurry anymore to get to where they need to be that they don't practice safe driving anymore. They are using their cells or black-berrys and the conversation that could wait usually causes accidents. Why Is it so Important to a persons life to always be talking on some device to another anymore?
And parents wonder why their kids end up in jail,or six-foot-under. My choice for them Is six-foot-under for then I don't have to support them In prision.
I'm glad that our young give us alot of hope for the furture. 16 & 17& 20 rob and could care less. Sent away and are still laughing! Officers like Johnson that try to keep us safe. God did say that "man" would destroy the earth and It Is happening. Time will always tell all with-out mistakes.
The dogs are only as good as their owners. Had he been responsible for his dogs, this would not of happen. Just like kids, IT"S how you raise them.
Lake Michigan has no mercy on those that are "stupid". Ingore the signs and you WILL drown. Think you know more than the life-guards or the D.N.R.? Okay, tell us about It from the other side.
Man creates his own problems then blames somebody else. If you can't go the whole "nine yards" with the care of an animal then don't get It to begin with. Makes you wonder how they treat their kids! The human made the choice to get the gator, It wasn't the other way around. The gator was beat to death because of the "very bad decesion" on the humans part, not the gator. Leave well enough alone.
Lets make every-body responsibible for your personal problems. If your being beat, then call 911. There Is all kinds of help out there now days. So your angry and all you can do Is set each other on fire? Good -luck-------------Get some help
There;s alot of women that serve also. Being In the service Is not of one gender anymore.
Maybe, just maybe, we might be able to bring our men and women home some day. I guess what I'm saying Is there was no reason for us to be their In the first place!!!!! You want us to change your life with the death of our people????---------------So we have to be like you, Is that what your saying? I want my young HOME---------------
How many more do we have to loose? We give to countries that could care less about our men and women. We give our young and what do they give? Complaints about how they "don't know how " to fight. Of course not-----They have the U.S, doing It for them. Our men and women go to fight a cause, not a generation of dis-function! We help and our nation dies. This young man died because they are not human. He did the best he could and then some. Of course, aid an foreign country, for that will make all better here In the U.S.