59p49 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
12 years ago @ Defense Tech - F-22 Pilots to Discuss... · 0 replies · +5 points
12 years ago @ Defense Tech - F-22 Pilots to Discuss... · 2 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Eglin F-35's first fli... · 0 replies · +1 points
end sarcasm.
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Eglin F-35's first fli... · 0 replies · +1 points
I’m getting tired of having to explain this to people like you. If it looks like poopy, and smells like poopy, and it kind of tastes like …well isn’t it just obvious… it means it is the greatest fighter aircraft ever to be developed. The F-35 can do more than the sledge-o-matic and it is made from the same magic and pixie dust used in the iPad and government budgeting. There have not been and will never be changes made to this aircraft. These things you keep calling changes are the F-35 telling reality how things are going to be from now on. The program isn’t behind, it is 1000 years ahead of schedule and that is how lucky you are to even be able to get a glimpse at it, never mind criticize it. What’s 10 years compared to a millennium?! ‘Cause that is where this plane comes from--1000 years in the future. I think you can wait another 20+ years for this gift from the Gods to enter service.
Ok pfcem, your turn! Go get em!!
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Eglin F-35's first fli... · 0 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Eglin F-35's first fli... · 0 replies · +2 points
In all fairness that is bronxboymike's point. All those changes that make it so different were a mistake.
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Eglin F-35's first fli... · 1 reply · +2 points
The F-35 is the greatest aircraft ever conceived of by humans!!!!!! This plane wasn't leaking, the air was crying tears of joy on it because it was just so happy to be around the F-35. The flight was only cut short because of the dangerous levels of money saved by flying it. If they had flown for the scheduled amount of time there would have been too much money and lives saved for the planet to survive. Humanity is not prepared for how much money this jet with create out of thin air overtime it flies.
F-35 is so effective in battle it dosen't even need to fire it's weapons only carry them. This is why there has been no actual weapons dropped or fired by the f-35. It will truly be a plane of the future, it will fly missions without ever needing to take off or land or deliver bombs to targets. That my friends is the way of the future and it is good.
Ok, pfcem you can take over for me I have to go read up on more LockMart propaganda.
13 years ago @ Defense Tech - US Destroyer Rescues I... · 0 replies · +4 points
As a "99% slave" I'm pretty much free to do anything I want...well ok I can't shove a bomb up my keester and blow myself up at the neighborhood school. Hmm...ok maybe Ahmet is less of a slave since racially motivated, suicide by colon bomb in his favorite countries is not only legal but state sanctioned activity.
13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - SecDef plans first vis... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Defense Tech - Close Up Pictures of t... · 1 reply · +1 points