


28 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Guergis, Bernier, and ... · 0 replies · +5 points

*choke* Somewhat intelligent & strong? Did you have the sound turned off? What a good idea. Except he still looks like a dweeb.
Levant is good only for interruptions and self-indulgent indignation. I only watch him to see how long it is before his face goes red and blotchy and his eyes start bulging because someone/anyone shoots down his belligerent and nasty arguments.
Talk about an unarmed opponent.
What he and Kory are doing on CBC I have no idea. Thank god for Kady.

14 years ago @ - Should Parliament impo... · 1 reply · +4 points

Exactly what is the chattering class according to you SteveWBCanada? The 70% or so that will not vote for a conservative?

14 years ago @ - Go ahead.. smack the P... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, and the LINOs* in BC are real Liberals. Try reformers, alliance types and a few old socreds. Not a Liberal in the bunch. Gordo the drunk felon is as liberal as Klein and Harris wrapped up in a ball and glued together by Stockboy.

*LINO = Liberal In Name Only

I love this page, I don't ever want to stop smacking Steve. I love it when his eye balls bulge!! Is there a smack Gordo page?

14 years ago @ - How do you feel about ... · 2 replies · +1 points

It is not the Americans that have rushed to have these naked scanners installed. It is our own Con Government. No discussion, no chit chat with other parties or even the airlines. Baird and his buddies in the DOD or whoever said let's play the fear card...again. Let's see how far we can push it...again. We took away their water bottles and their make-up and toothpaste in their carry-on. Now let's feel them up and look at them naked and take away their books and magazines too. All of them. Canadians: Young women of 18, Young men too, mothers with 2 or three kids and their diaper bags (what about twins and all their gear?) and activity bags going to meet the father who is not there to help. Fat men/women, skinny women/men, healthy men/women, unhealthy men/women, body conscious women/men, frightened of being touched by strangers /women/men, exhibitionists, etc. Regular Timmy's folks, who work hard and play by the rules. Remember that? That's how the Con Gov treats now. Each of us is a potential terrorist.

Why do I think it's not such a stretch that each electronic image would not be kept on file as instantly as the next person steps up to be scanned. Baird wouldn't think that such "information" could possibly be useful (or at least fun) wouldn't he?

14 years ago @ - How do you feel about ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks MLB,
Exactly right on pretty well all counts. These "naked" scanners are something Baird wanted implemented and the new mantra "when the US is attacked, we are attacked", is just convenience. He already had the scanners on order. It didn't matter how weak the attack was. One sad, disturbed, lonely, inept kid would do.

Anyone hear about Baird and the Pakistani terror flight he held over at Pearson's last summer? Held them on some 9/11 rule never used before. Screwed the pooch big time too Baird did, the idiot.

Jan 13 2020 "Transport minister invoked secret security order last summer: report"

/...OTTAWA — A secret ministerial security order involving a Pakistan airline which operates flights out of Toronto’s Pearson International Airport was issued last summer by Transport Minister John Baird, CBC News reported Tuesday evening.

According to the broadcaster, Pakistan International Airlines was the subject of an order that falls under Section 4.72 of Canada’s Aeronautics Acts — an amendment created after 9/11, but one that had previously not been used.

/...That source told CBC that tales of an international bomb plot emerged a few weeks after the measure was put in place — and if such an explosion were to have happened, the manner in which Baird’s order was to be carried out could have cost additional lives. (Baird refused to have the planed isolated from the terminal, passengers and other planes.)

The plot involved a plan whereby bomb-making materials would be smuggled on to a PIA flight destined for Toronto. Those materials would then be crafted into a bomb and put back on another PIA flight in a bid to place suspicion on Canadian individuals, rather than those in Pakistan.

"And it would explode somewhere on its return back to its origin," CBC quoted the source as saying.

According to the report, Baird’s undisclosed order is no longer being followed after a disagreement over who would cover its costs..../

mmm, an attack on us and the US too? Or only on Baird's brain?

14 years ago @ - Ooooh, cover-up, oooooh · 0 replies · +1 points

Here is one little thing that Baird has not mentioned from last summer:

14 years ago @ - Ooooh, cover-up, oooooh · 0 replies · +1 points

I've only seen the one add, rather, I've heard it on the news on tv. There are more?

umm... Harper has given a Christmas present to himself when he thought the people of Canada would not notice.../

Like that or similar. I don't think people did notice for a couple of days. Simple sleazy, about what was expected.

14 years ago @ - Ooooh, cover-up, oooooh · 0 replies · +1 points

After he stops trying to secretly blow up planes and passengers and part of the airport at Pearson? What a dweeb!

14 years ago @ - Ooooh, cover-up, oooooh · 0 replies · +1 points

You mean I can't wear my Gordo mug-shot t-shirt my kids gave me for xmas while I alternate my booing at Harpo and my felon drunkard of a premier? What's the point of living in BC?

15 years ago @ - The story the mainstre... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's not that the media or anyone else is ignoring Harpers assorted bits of litigation, it's just that he's got so many going on. And now we learn of some he's kept secret like the case with the MPCC and that one is three years old. How many cases does he have on the fly? What happens if he loses his PM gig, does all this litigation just go away or does the poor loser who inherits his mess get to sort it out? Bet it all hits the news then? If he had lost do you think he would want the press? And did he have Dimitri call CBC, (they have CTV on retainer) and all the rest and tell them that the judge had made a decision? Didn't they send out a photo?