Why isn’t anyone (except Lou Dobbs on CNN) doing stories on NAFTA and E-VERIFY but no one else is??? Didn’t these have anything to do with every American manufacturing and other type of employment in which workers lost their jobs? China gets American's manufacturing jobs that will no longer manufacture the cars? Doesn't anybody care about the fact that NAFTA and E-VERIFY (which the E-Verify for further consideration is postponed for now by the OA) and including GAT caused this???? If it weren’t for this, American people wouldn’t have lost their jobs and their homes and now dont have income coming in to make major purchases such as cars and homes!!! Well when you’re broke, who can buy anything? I know it’s sad that many people lost their jobs. I don’t know how we will ever get back to where we were before we were LOSING millions of jobs in a short time period as we are right now!
Do you think they did that on purpose the "oops" when he was sworn in? At first I thought .. oh gee then later i thought back and remebered that Ive never seen oops's before like that for such a huge event like that. but then i thought "mistakes happen" not that mistakes happen for any reason . but thats not how that saying goes
I always wondered why they even get sworn in with their hand on the bible.. to answer your question of them being sworn in on the Constitution.. think about it for a second. Dont think to hard. This is what I have had a feeling about. Im not a fear mongor!!! Just more curious than I probably should be sometimes
Have you also watched his Endgame video as well? These videos scared the crap out of me.
From things that I have seen in videos (which I have no clue if they are accurate or not) I hope they arent but if they are, Im wondering if there arent more countries to add to what you feel like it feel like it is. I hope and pray that things will be just fine for all of our sakes
For years people said that over 50% of the things on the internet were fake/false. But for some reason Im not sure SOME people post fake things. Were they right or wrong on the stats of what the entire wide wide world of internet is about? You know , I never thought about it until now but did you ever think about how they came up with the WWWdot? Remind anybody of anything? When things around my house get hecktic... i always say.. "uh oh its like WWW111 around here. HMM interesting I even just coincidentally said that? Whats your thought of this?
Did those videos scare the pants off you? they did me thats for sure. I dont know the truth but I have to say they made me wonder and think about somethings.
why is it after I found these videos and asked people questions about pieces of these videos or said anything i was then either critisized or labeled a fear mongor? I have had no clue to anything going on. I just wanted to start getting opinions or facts about these videos. (ive never seen them before until now ) I did however have a funny feeling for awhile though. Just didnt ask or talk about what I was curious about.
oooops your right sorry i will check into that
Exactly, thats why we dont trust them. For one, what did they ever do to convince us we can trust them? It will take alot of proving!! Do you forsee them doing this and keeping with their promises that we vote for them in the first place