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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points
That in itself is not healthy. An old saying two wrongs do not make a right..
Respect to every one
15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points
Is it not possible for the amercian people to have their own car manufacturing company?
One where cars are made to the peoples needs, not cars that they are told is what they want?
It is very healthy to be indenpendant and keep you account in a healthy way.
Immigration is not healthy when people do not respect the laws and the spiritual values of the country they want to enter.
In Canada a teacher was told that she was not allowed to wear her cross in the school?
In the UK a UK citizen was told that he could not have a UK flag flying in his garden?
If I go to another country I respect the people and its laws.
If the government feels that bosses should be accountable when they fail at their jobs.
Why do they not follow the same rules?
There was a time when if a politian was found to do a dishorable act they walkd out of their job?
Most people if they fail to do their job properly get their asses kicked out in a week.
15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points
For a long period of time people have been focused on money and material things.
As people rush through their life they have less time for due care and consideration of other people.
All spiitual values are based up on healthy interaction with other people.
When crime goes up people say they need more police.
How many schools and educations sytems actually bring spiritual values in to the schools?
For me it is not healthy for me to get angry.
Anger comes from 3 emotions pain fearsor frustrations.
Why did it take me over 5 decades for a grown man to learn this fact?
Do politicians think they are above the laws of the land?
I do believe that every country should make them self self suffiecient in growing crops to feed their own people.
I do believe that every country should keep their own currency and have their own rules.
After all one of things we are suppose to learn in becoming adults is to be accountable and responsable people.
Should not the politicians be kept to the same rules?