


155 comments posted · 13 followers · following 1

11 years ago @ Daily - JonBenet Ramsey grand ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Surely this is the fault of Bush, the Tea Party, Reagan, and Millard Fillmore!

12 years ago @ WANE TV News Channel 1... - Research approved for ... · 2 replies · -4 points

Society needs to look at whether or not they should subsidize unproductive choices of living/working arrangements.

Is it cost effective for society to subsidize commutes of over 100 miles? I don't think so.

A train from Ft. Wayne to Chicago could probably fill TWO TO FOUR passenger cars once per day each way.

Is it worth it?

And, with a restricted schedule, few people would be able fit their schedules into such restrictive departure/arrival times.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Today's Gas Prices Are... · 0 replies · +3 points

They should name it the Chevy Coal, since that's where the electricity comes from.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Today's Gas Prices Are... · 0 replies · +3 points

"Using Super Conducters, we're NOT going to be using oil for Transport Forever! "

How will superconductors help with auto and truck and airplane and ship travel?

12 years ago @ Big Government - Today's Gas Prices Are... · 0 replies · +3 points

"Especially since no NEW oil exploration is allowed by the Feds since 1993 in the continental U.S"

Do you have a link to something that confirms that? I do not believe it's true, because there has been plenty of exploration in the continental US since 1993. Possibly you mean "on the continental shelf" or something like that?

12 years ago @ Big Government - Today's Gas Prices Are... · 0 replies · +3 points

"We get most of our oil from Canada"


We get most of our of from....the USA.

Our largest foreign supplier is Canada, however.

12 years ago @ - Doubt about reliabilit... · 0 replies · +3 points

By pre-announcing withdrawal dates, Barry gave hope to the Taliban and Al-Qa'eda. Basically he was saying to them, "Just hang on a little bit longer and you'll win."

Civilians who helped the USA face severe reprisals. Knowing this, many were forced to stop helping us. Our problems in Afghanistan were a self-fulling prophecy because of Barry's errors.

12 years ago @ - Newt: 'You Can't Put A... · 5 replies · +3 points

"How are these Breitbart blog "administrators" allowing you to use that post name"

Ah, censorship - so popular among libunatics!

12 years ago @ - SEALs cringe but hope ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Barry needs to capitalize on and take credit for the success of the SEALS and he needs to help his Hollywood contributors so he ordered this to happen.

12 years ago @ - ‘A New Era Of Respon... · 4 replies · +4 points

Barry's gotta give some $$ to the Muslim Brotherhood.