Mark Fidelman

Mark Fidelman


156 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ InNetwork - Why Influencers Deserv... · 1 reply · +2 points

Danny, this matches my experience as well. In the end, if you pay for influence and the influencer doesn't remain true to herself, her trust that she's developed with her followers will erode. That's something money can't replace. Most influencers recognize this and will only take on projects that they believe in.

Great post (and you beat me to it) :-)

11 years ago @ Seek Omega - The 3+ Reasons Why Dan... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry Georgie, I've been unable to find the research that shows people making over $65k doesn't increase happiness. In fact, just the opposite is true.

On the face of it, your premise like Pinks is appealing, but doesn't work in the real world. How many companies can You or Pink point to that have implemented this? Some have and they have all failed (I called the companies Pink highlights).

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The 3+ Reasons Why Dan... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nathan, just click the link in the article.

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - Why IBM’s Watson... · 0 replies · +1 points

Kyle, nothing has changed. In order to experience true intelligence a machine needs to have the emotional capacity to rationalize decisions. In other words, it must be human-like (or alien).

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The Fortune 100 League... · 0 replies · +1 points

LInda, I am updating it now. Stay tuned.

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The 3+ Reasons Why Dan... · 0 replies · +1 points

William, I am quite aware of the system and I know it doesn't work that well in practice. It's another of those great ideas that works in the social lab, but fails in real life. Moreover, the companies he cites have ironically been paying employees more over time, and not increasing the intrinsic reward systems.

You say: "I know of no performance pay system across the hundreds of companies i have consulted with that works as a motivator - apart from direct commission systems for sales people (and the best of these systems include a base pay factor - as a motivator!)" So here are several more:

1. Amway distributors, May Kay, Realtors in fact anyone that works on commission only.
2. Stock traders, bond traders, commodity traders
3. Any and all sales people worth their salt. A socialist sales model doesn't work.
4. CEOs of any Fortune 500 company. Why not take a $1 in pay? In Pink's model, the intrinsic rewards and perks/benefits far outweigh the salary.
5. Any job that puts people in exessive danger - (e.g. Oil rig worker, deap sea fisherman, etc.)

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - Why Every Company Need... · 0 replies · +1 points

And it only gets better with Rackspace.

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The Top 25 Hottest Mob... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm going to be updating this infographic.

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The Top 25 Hottest Mob... · 0 replies · 0 points

I plan on updating this infographic this year - stay tuned.

12 years ago @ Seek Omega - The 5 Best Social Busi... · 0 replies · +1 points

I really didn't rank the articles, just wanted to point out the top 5. Glad you liked Cheryl's as much as I did.