Ali Sina

Ali Sina


477 comments posted · 302 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 0 replies · +3 points

@ Passive Obsrver
I checked his website and it says that he arrived at the conclusion that the Semitic world did have a number of dying and rising deities: Baal, Adonis, Melqart, and Eshmun.

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 5 replies · +4 points

Don't pay heed to these nonsense things

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 0 replies · +4 points

This is my account But it is strange that someone is using the old name.

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 1 reply · +5 points

Can you please make a new username and call yourself just Grace removing Ali and Harrell from your alias?

10 years ago @ - Bitter Love: Another S... · 0 replies · +3 points

Why are you staying? No, it is not going to work Leave now, I mean today and for heaven's sake make sure you don't bring to work a child with this man.

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 0 replies · +6 points

If Jesus was the invention of Matthew and John then these two guys must have had some divine knowledge that you and I do not possess. No I am not afraid of dying. But you need to read my article titled Why I Believe in God and the Afterlife. There is a spiritual reality underlying this material world. That is now undeniable since the evidence is overwhelming. Anyone who does not want to see the evidence is willfully ignorant.

10 years ago @ - Accepting Jesus? What ... · 9 replies · +7 points

What you say is completely contrary to science. The gene pool gets damaged when there is no new input from far away sources. Inbreeding produce defective children. This is something known to all humans since thousands of years.

10 years ago @ - Proof of Soul: Why Sci... · 0 replies · +4 points

I don't have an opinion on multiverse yet. It is possible.

10 years ago @ - Proof of Soul: Why Sci... · 3 replies · +2 points

10 years ago @ - Muslim Scholar Leaves ... · 0 replies · +3 points

And how do you know you have not been lying to yourself? The tragedy is that those who know less about Islam are more convinced of it. They irony is that these less informed Muslims encourage others to deepen their knowledge.