


143 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Simple Facebook® Shar... · 0 replies · +1 points


Adding OpenGraph tags to your homepage will allow you to provide Facebook with the proper data. There are many plugins in the repository that can aid you with this, and innumerable tutorials to be found via Google as well.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Readme for Simple Face... · 0 replies · +1 points


The options appear under the SFBSB menu item under Settings, rather than under the Plugins menu item.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Simple Facebook® Shar... · 0 replies · +1 points


At this time, what you've requested is only possible by modifying your theme to display the button, rather than utilizing the automatic options provided by the plugin.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - WP_Query, pre_get_post... · 0 replies · +2 points


It's definitely possible to adjust your query parameters for mobile visitors.

To start, you'll need to find a function for determining whether or not the current visitor is on a mobile device based on his/her browser's user agent. We use a proprietary is_mobile() function for this purpose. You'll want the function to return a boolean value (true or false). Using your visitor detection function, you can set up if statements within a function hooked to the pre_get_posts action that will modify query variables as needed.

Targeting specific screen resolutions is more challenging because PHP can't detect resolutions. In that situation, you'll need to use CSS Media Queries or JavaScript to modify the layout.

Hope this helps,

12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Taxonomy Dropdown Widget · 0 replies · +1 points


Version 2.0.2 allows for empty titles.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Taxonomy List Widget · 0 replies · +2 points


Version 1.1 adds this capability to the widget options page.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Taxonomy Dropdown Widget · 0 replies · +1 points

The option you are looking for is labeled "Trim long term names to x characters:" and is found under the widget's "Term Display" group of options.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Taxonomy Dropdown Widget · 0 replies · +1 points


Can you use the contact form to send me a list of the plugins running on your site?

All of the text that is missing is set up to be translated, and it sounds like something is interfering with that configuration.


12 years ago @ erick t. hitter - Taxonomy Dropdown Widget · 2 replies · +1 points


Does the text "Basic Settings," "Order," or "Advanced" appear in the widget options screen?

Are you using any translation plugins, such as qTranslate?

Are you using an international version of WordPress?


14 years ago @ - Google Wave Invite Con... · 0 replies · +1 points

Indeed you are the lucky one. Your email address was added to my nomination list a few minutes ago.

My recent post Google Voice Invite Contest Redux