


17 comments posted · 3 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - What’s Better Than L... · 0 replies · +1 points

Rekindled love

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Get Your Greatness On ... · 0 replies · +1 points


Great that you are running the PN Challenge again. I started the PN Challenge last year with Brian but I moved across the country and then lost a dear friend to brain cancer and ... life got in the way. Would love to have another go at bringing real learning to my life again. I already subscribe to PN so looking forward to being part of another fantastic tribe.


14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 01 ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Brian

I'm interested in this email - I didn't get it either and neither did my husband (we signed up separately - and paid separately because we wanted to respect what you do). This bothers me that neither of us got this email and then couldn't get on to the call last week either. I'm not sure if it's Maestro or Finer Minds but things don't seem to be working as smoothely as they have done in the past.

My two cents - if it was my business, I'd want to know.


14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 01 ... · 3 replies · 0 points

Hi everyone, my husband and I just listened to the recording of the Optimism call - for some reason every time we logged on to the call last week we were bounced off; I emailed the help desk not very happy and no one responded :(

I really liked the "fullness" of this week's session. Brian - loved the content, and got a lot out of the Q & A session at the end. Particularly liked the "what 1 fundamental if you did it consistently would change your life?". It is absolutely exercise (and has been for me for 47 years!!). On top of that I really liked the discussion around "do the thing you love" so I figured I'm going to walk. Forget the gym - I don't like it. Forget swimming and cycling and all sorts of stuff I "should" be doing. I like walking. Not running. Walking. So... tomorrow morning I walk.

I also liked your thing about start with the small things. I started changing my life about 12 months ago when I started cleanse, toning and moisturising my skin at night before I went to bed. I changed the habits of a lifetime and started looking after my skin. It felt good. Now I can't go to bed without it any more than I could go to bed without cleaning my teeth. It "proved" to me I could change. It was the start of many changes. I've been trying to work out why I haven't changed the exercise piece and I realise I don't really like exercise. But I do like walking (lucky that or I'd have a tough time being part of this world!!).

Guess this is me putting it out there and holding myself accountable. If I put it down in this space I am setting myself up for success.

Thanks for the sharing and positive teachings one and all - and obviously to the Big Kahuna himself, Brian.


14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 01 ... · 1 reply · +1 points

We used skype to call from Australia - wasn't outrageously expensive but it would have been if we had to go via a standard phone line. Think Larry needs to work on his tech support a little!!! Looking forward to the "meat" of the program in the weeks to come. Cheers, Deanne

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 0 replies · +1 points


Thanks for this. Will give it a red hot go.


14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 3 replies · +1 points

Really liked the knowing to doing piece. Lots of knowing coming through daily PN teachings. Doing is the big lick.

The number 1 thing I can change: meditate, journal and exercise daily - my hero self does that and she's calling me to do the same. OK ... I'll do it one day at a time (those iron gates from early tribal teachings....who was that?? Dale Carnegie I think??) give me comfort. I can do this for a day. Worry about tomorrow then - a bridge too far for now.

Also liked challenge = capabilities/skills being the sweetspot. That's my goal this year. Only play at the deep end of the pool that absolutely stretches me. That's also the fun spot. I've just done a biggie and loved it. I'm doing 6 more of them this year - there we go. That's my target. Thinking to doing. Knowing to doing.

Cheers tribe

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 2 replies · +1 points


Noticed you use Holosync. I've never meditated but really think I need to (stress is now playing out pysically with a twitching eye for the past 3 weeks). I've gone on to Holosync website and got the freebie disc which arrives in a couple of weeks time. They say you need to do half hour daily building to 1 hour - wow seems heaps for someone who has a tough time quieting for 10 mins let alone 60. Would you recommend Holosync for newbies or would you suggest some other meditation program as a starter?

Thanks for your input


14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 0 replies · +1 points


Love it!! Congratulations. Loving your backyard, your flip, your yeeha!!

Flow baby flow


14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Pursuit Of Perfect... · 2 replies · +2 points

Hey tribe

Talk about needing time out - went to the doc today to ask why my lower eyelid has been twitching for 3 weeks and he says STRESS!! hmmmm so I decided to do stuff for me.

I've signed on to do Tal Ben-Shahar's on-line course at Penn State in June (would love to go there in person but way too many dollars from Oz) and I've been thinking about Holosync meditation. I've never meditated. Well I tried once and started thinking about all the things I had to do so figured I'd better do those instead.

I realise this is a challenge for self discipline. I read on the Holosync site you're supposed to start half an hour a day and build up to one hour. Has anyone does this and thinks this Holosync method works??? Please let me know. I've sent away for the free disk - think it will be a few weeks before it arrives but meantime thinking if others say it works I'll just pay the $200 and do it.

If you're reading Brian, or Oracle, let me know your thoughts. I know you're the meditating guru and I'd like to get where you are so an easy starter to get me on track would be wonderful!!! Anything to get rid of this twitching eye!!!!
