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14 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - blog.iphone-dev.org/po... · 0 replies · +1 points
Iphone Details: 3GS with new Bootrom Firmware 3.1.2 Baseband 5.11.07
Week Number: 50
Jailbroken/Unlocked : Blackra1n
No SHSH on File!
Recent State: Stuck and Loop in Recovery Mode!
-> Restoring only with 3.1.3 possible!
Solution IDEA for the new iphone 3GS for Unlocking
Would it be possible to prevent the baseband update with a hardware lock?
Perhaphs with a simple short to ground of two Pins of the PMB8878-Chip (or the flash-chip, dont know exact hardware)?
If yes would the restoring process abort or continue ignoring the basband update error?
What do you think?
14 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - blog.iphone-dev.org/po... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - blog.iphone-dev.org/po... · 0 replies · +1 points
I have the same Iphone details and the same problem as you. (only difference, my reboot was caused because of resetting network settings). I tried the same methods as you, without succes.
The first informations of my iphone in irecovery is as folowing:
[FTL:MSG] Apple NAND Driver (AND) RO
[NAND] Found Chip ID 0x ... 4 lines ...
[FTL:MSG] FPart Init [OK]
read new style signature 0x43313133 (line:375)
[FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
[FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:2630): CXT is not valid . Performing full NAND R/O restore .
Boot Failure Count: 15 Panic Fail Cont: 0
Delaying boot for 0 seconds. Hit enter to break into the command prompt...
HFSInitPartition: 0x4fc2ed00
Kernelcache image not valid
Entering recovery mode, starting command prompt
With redsn0w, i can Install CYDIA without problems (i can see installing logos etc on screen). But after finishing i am again in recovery mode.
Then i have folowing result in irecovery:
[FTL:MSG] Apple NAND Driver (AND) RO
[NAND] Found Chip ID 0x... 4 lines ...
[FTL:MSG] FPart Init [OK]
read new style signature 0x43313133 (line:375)
[FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
[FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
Boot Failure Count: 15 Panic Fail Count: 0
Delaying boot for 0 seconds. Hit enter to break into the command prompt...
HSInitPartition: 0x4ff932c0
Kernelcache image not valid
Entering recovery mode, starting command prompt
The message is "yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:2630):" is gone, but if i do blackra1n after that, i have the same result as the first.
Other tries in irecovery:
(Recovery) iPhone$ bootx
Attempting to validate kernelcache @ 0x41000000
(Recovery) iPhone$ go
Kernelcache image not valid
error loading kernelcache
(Recovery) iPhone$ tsys
Memory image not valid
Perhaps we or someone can found something, if you also write your informations by irecovery.
In my case there seems a problem with the kernelcache image, perhaps there is a way to restore it without restoring the complete firmware?