Don Is

Don Is


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Denton Was Right · 0 replies · +1 points

I work for one of the biggest digital advertising agencies in the world (I'm being serious. It's not something I'm really proud of. ) truth is, neither we, nor our clients, care about pageviews per person. At least not on a fairly linear site like Gawker. Unfortunately, the way things are set up right now, that matters. But we are changeing our systems and algorithms and whatnot (sorry. I'm a creative director, not a tech guy, so forgive the layman's terminology.) basically, in the next year or so, what will matter is number of visitors, not how many pages they view. We have found that there is almost zero ad engagement from a visitor after initial visitation. (again, for a site like gawker) so it's going to go back to the old print way of doing things: the more people you have reading your site, the more your ad space is worth. There are a ton of people in both media and advertising who will 100% disagree with what I am saying. But they have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are. Problem is, it isn't working.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Flashback Friday: Rock... · 0 replies · +2 points

God I love the Kinks. Kind of underrated as far as how influential they were.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Flashback Friday: Rock... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow! I remember seeing them live in the basement of a little bar in Atlanta. Guitar girl could fucking rock. I remember getting slinged with her sweat quite a bit. Even got to talk to her after the show. They just sort of hung out with the crowd. Thanks. I had totally forgotten about them. Gotta find that CD now.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Flashback Friday: Rock... · 1 reply · +3 points

I loved how this video was a big Fuck You to the MTV convention of the day, where everyone lip-synced.[youtube o_V4Pk2yd4w youtube]

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Our first public Crass... · 0 replies · +4 points

I remember a lot of the executions back in the day involved some of the better commenters (Unfun and InOtherNews are two I recall). And they usually got their privileges back. It was mean but a sort of hazing more than anything. Is this different?

Also: did anyone ever say who Ketch was? I always thought it was Virus. Or Shelia.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Back up Facebook, simp... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is there a way to physically (locally) back up facebook? In case the internet disappears? My dad says the internet could disappear one day, just like my mother.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Create-A-Word! (Subur... · 1 reply · +5 points

Buffettoma (BUFF•eh•TOME•uh) n. Black eye caused by beer bottle being thrown at a DJ for playing Margaritaville one too many times.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Create-A-Word! (Subur... · 0 replies · +1 points

shellpathy (SHELL•puh*thee) n. Condition wherein the sufferer experiences distress, malaise and anger at the sight of one too many objects created from shells.

Last summer, I got shellpathy so bad that I trashed my grandmother's bathroom.