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13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The HGTV Dream Home 20... · 0 replies · +1 points

I heard that the winner already knows by now. True?....time to move on to the next dream :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 3 replies · +3 points

@Trish...I shared a fav. joke of mine w/ hokiemom. Since you mentioned a talking dog, I will share it with you too :) Hope you enjoy it: did you hear about the guy who saw a sign "for sale-talking dog $25" He knocked on the door and said to the man that answered "Is this for real?" The man said "It sure is" Just then a dog comes to the door and says hello. The guy is floored. He says "wow, you can talk? Tell me about yourself" The dog tells him he was trained as a drug sniffer for the CIA, and that he was then transfered to Iraq and Afghanistan to sniff out bombs. He continued on that after he was through with his tour of duty, he came home and decided to volunteer at the local nursing home calling bingo. By this time the guy is in awe and very excited. He turns to the man and says "why would anyone sell a valuable dog like this for $25!!! The man looks at him and says" why?!! because he's a liar, he never did any of those things!" .....teehee

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 0 replies · +3 points

By our normal standards, we've had a mild winter here in WI so far..but as I sit here listening to the wind howl and wrapped in a blanket with my laptop (Recently lost 20 lbs and found out in a hurry that I have given up my insulation :) I will find comfort by mentally putting myself somewhere warm like SF with the light houses and horse races. Places like DC and Philly just invoke a chill..........Go west young man, haven't you been told, California's full of whiskey, women and gold. Sleepin all night under the desert stars, with a dream in my eye and a prayer in my heart..... I feel warmer already :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 1 reply · +1 points

Is it nice to know you have a partner in crime now :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 3 replies · +2 points

Whew..glad to know we can use alittle humor about certain things w/o worrying about ruffling some feathers. SF makes no bones about it's rep and I admire them for that. Glad to know we can instill a little humor here about world "subjects" and not get in trouble, as long as we keep it light :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 0 replies · +2 points

What I do know is that it is something very different from what I see every day in the midwest and that makes it an exciting puzzle in deed. I think the human spirit needs to travel and explore. It keeps our motors running and propels our zest for life up a notch. The fact that I love all things that have to do with capturing what grabs you and what excites you within the walls of a home and it's possesions, this, as always, becomes a wonderful journey from start to finish. Great detective work everyone

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - HGTV Urban Oasis 2012:... · 8 replies · +4 points

hokiemom, you started talking Hawaii but when you said " could swing both ways" then you made me think of SF :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - A Dog's Dream Come True · 0 replies · +1 points

My house has that wonderful lived in look that I've come to know and love :) So..... from someone who's more worried about whether or not my dog Tank will allow the HGTV team in the front door, all I can say is we are cocked and ready :) By the way, honestly and truly, good luck to each and everyone of you. What will be, will be :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - A Dog's Dream Come True · 3 replies · +4 points

I agree :) I said the same thing and my post was deleted :( It made me laugh out loud and that always feels good. some people are getting too wrapped up in this. Humor will help to keep it real because no matter what, life goes on.... Good luck to both of us, would love to see someone with a sense of humor win :)

13 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - A Dog's Dream Come True · 0 replies · +1 points

He wouldn't hesitate to take it. ...I might have to kick him out of the hot tub also :)