Like I said below, my AVAST picked up fake code, trojan horse, in my mozilla cache from this site, right after I opened an account for the blog. Not cool.
HEy Admin, just an FYI, My AVAST anti-virus picked up a Trojan horse attached to this site.
If it's to big too fail than it's too big. Period.
Great link, Thanx, bookmarked it.
I just finished a research project on American gun ownership. Now, I always knew that anti-gun laws were BS. But after pouring through stacks of statistics and historical precedents, not just in America but in other developed countries, I have come to the conclusion that there is NO legitimate reason to ban firearms from legitimate citizens. Look at Australia, England, Russia, Luxemburg, (insert anti-gun nation at will) or any place in the US that has strict gun bans and you'll see the murder rates that far exceed areas where they are more open to gun rights. Remember that asshole sheriff in Florida who threatened to arm his deputies with military style automatic weapons if the state went "shall-issue"? Florida has seen a 30% decrease in crime since then. Everyone, whether they are gun supporters or not, needs to see this for what it is: a fascist attempt to disarm the populace.
These guys all have that cult of personality going on. It's a bedrock principle for every fascist leader.
LOL Come on panda, you know the messiah can't have disorders....;}
Funny thing is, a while after 9-11, I went through Detroit, and Dearborn, (dearborn has one of the largest moslem populations outside of the middle east) and on one side of the road were all the AMERICANS protesting going to war in Afgahnistan & Iraq, while on the other side of the road all the Deaborn moslems were waving American flags and cheering for America. I think we are our own worst enemy sometimes.