


58 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Religion, government s... · 1 reply · +5 points

Please pick up a newspaper and stop playing stupid.

14 years ago @ - Religion, government s... · 0 replies · +6 points

I answered but it is held up--give it a few.

14 years ago @ - Religion, government s... · 4 replies · +4 points

They are a Taliban, (defined as a fundamentalist militia for those of you who have never bothered to look it up)

The Tea Baggers are a bunch of religious zealots who believe God chose them to rule this nation. Their purpose is two fold, first greed- they don't believe they should have to pay their fair share to live here; and second, to impose their "Christian" beliefs on the nation as a whole by force, and terror, if necessary.

As such they find it necessary to go armed to public debate and intimidate citizens who disagree with them; to cut the gas lines to legislator's homes because they don't like the vote; to throw bricks through windows; to assassinate abortion doctors.

It is their conduct that defines them as a Taliban. Their phony beliefs drive them. The ONLY difference is that they are Christians not Muslims. Their tactics are identical--intimidate the populous into compliance through violence and threats to take over the Government.

These people are terrorists and should be called out for it, not stroked as patriots. I just can't wait for them to start in-fighting among themselves--just like the different Muslim sects. It will be great sport.

14 years ago @ - District judge support... · 0 replies · +1 points

She is not a great Judge, she is not even a very good Judge. She does not serve Eastern Iowa well at all. Much better, fairer, even tempered Judges have held that bench without the need to be so excessively wicked.

Her job is to referee and do justice, not give every MAX sentence she possibly can, not to intimidate witnesses and parties, not to back the Government at EVERY turn. Not to allow police to violate the Constitution--and then refuse to impose the damages a jury finds for such conduct.

She is a ringer for cops and prosecutors, little more.

I spoke with Gras*ley about this several months ago at a party event. He receives so many complaints, that even he regrets nominating her. For sure, Willey will not be picking the next nominee.

14 years ago @ - Religion, government s... · 14 replies · +7 points

Indeed. No Christian Taliban (Tea Party) takeover.

14 years ago @ - Federal marshals go do... · 0 replies · +2 points

I have no time for sex offenders, but what a waist of Federal resources--the sex offender law and convictions are state issues--but*out let the locals deal with it. If they cant, then the legislature should re-work the laws to make them enforceable and not just a red herring to get elected

Go look for some terrorists or something.

14 years ago @ - District judge support... · 2 replies · +2 points

OMG ! People will be actually able to see Reade scowl in all her nastiness from the bench

14 years ago @ - Former chiropractor, d... · 1 reply · 0 points

Lets see, 3.5 Million in weed, less the prohibition/ black market induced markup- means that weed was actually worth about $116.66.

Seems to me ending prohibition is the best way to take the profit out of this activity and put an end to these drug gangs.

14 years ago @ - Former landlord Miell ... · 1 reply · +3 points

Crazy, rich, greedy, arrogant, a fraud.

Sounds like a Tea Party candidate to me.

14 years ago @ - Voter rejection of mar... · 0 replies · +2 points

Christian Taliban