Humane1st, you do not shift the burden of proof to Animal Control merely by your insinuations, innuendos, and restatement of ethics to suit your political agenda. "What our animal control is for" is a question of their mission. To discover their mission, perhaps the proper forum would be for you to request to speak at the next Health Board meeting, and ask them whether they would be willing to adopt your proposed mission for animal control, "To protect animals and stop animal cruelty." Euthanasia would not necessarily be in conflict with such a mission, even though it really seems to chap your 'cheeks'. Do you not believe your energy would be more effectively applied by taking positive action, rather than anonymously commenting, then later deleting your emotional and incendiary comments?
This renegade magistrate is violating the 14th Amendment, and should be summarily fired. There is no justification for his misconduct in office. He does not get to "make the call" about interracial marriage.
It's obvious that a political agenda to ban fox hunting belies the letter from Ms. Bryla, since cats and dogs have been responsible for most of the cases where humans had to receive shots for rabies exposure in this county. I googled Ms. Bryla and I see that she has been a generous donor to local rescue efforts. But the rescue groups have been extraordinarily cautious not to take political stands on issues like fox hunting and iradication of the stray and ferral pet population in this county. Hopefully, this letter does not constitute a pending reversal of that longstanding policy.
I must agree with BR549. I just hope the school board has a concensus to take speedy action, and not let what should be a student need-based redistricting get sandbagged by those special interests who are worried about extraneous issues like property values, sports, and----dare I say it----race.
Are you suggesting that your leaders have merely become followers, Janet?
Given the deletion of your original posts, your point has been lost. I would like to have some idea of context.
Let's hope they've been "self-spayed," just like they keep on self-deleting.
Okay, that explains why Ifucare, Humane1st and Crazyforanimals have been self-deleting so much. But it seems that the best way not to leave a digital record would be to simply stop posting. These folks don't seem to be very big achievers. Very sad.
Are you having trouble with IntenseDebate, or is there a higher purpose in the habitual self-deletions of your posts, Ifucare?