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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Tea Parties · 0 replies · 0 points

Please tell me how you can post such a long letter. I am told constantly by this system that my posts are too long and I should consider cutting my postings in two. I have done that in the past; but, I don't post here much anymore because of the hassle. Please share how you get around the length limit please. I am so frustrated.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - 6/22 · 0 replies · +2 points

I have been posting that TEA Party email lists should be used to organize so that we can write our legislators. I have really cut down my posting on this site because I am unable to post here because the system keeps telling me my posts are too long. I wanted to post a letter that I wrote to my federal legislators as a result of "the Letter" read on Glenn Beck last night. I did so too encourage others to write to their Sens and Reps. I told my Sens and my Rep that this was it. I was putting them on notice that We The People won't take it any more. I told them they better start opposing anything that even comes close to not supporting the Constitution. I told them they better start making a lot of the right noise so that we can recognize them because if they don't they will be drummed out with the other sheep, just like the lady said. Please consider writing a letter like this to your Reps and Sens.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

The Republican Congressional Committee is sending out letters asking for donations. The letter comes with a return address showing only the name Of Jeb Hensarling, US Congressman. The return envelope is addressed to Attention: Office of Finance Chairman Jeb Hensarling.

I threw the donation part of the letter away and wrote the following on a piece of paper:

Ladies and gentlemen, The Republican party will NOT receive one red cent from me until the following has been accomplished by the Republican Party: 1. Reclaim the small government approach (You know, limited government, low taxes, support of free markets, etc) 2. Closing primaries in the Republican Party so that only Republicans can vote in those primaries. This will allow the nominees for office from the Republican Party to be chosen only by Republicans. (Signed w/ my name and address and returned in the business reply envelope).

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Tea Parties · 0 replies · +1 points

I am grateful for this site. I am impressed the resource that communicating here on the site provides. I hope that we can stop the madness currently going on in Washington DC.
I really enjoyed the two TEA parties that took place here where I live. I was very disappointed, as I took notice while at the TEA party, that those at the TEA Party did not take the time to go into the Federal Building and visit the offices of the Federal legislators who have offices there. To me it was a missed opportunity. I have been writing letters for years. I am told by some Reps (Representatives) and Sens (Senators) that when they receive five to ten letters from people on a specific issue they begin to get involved and get up to speed on that issue. It seems to me that from the email lists generated at TEA parties that we could generate from a couple hundred to thousands of contacts with Reps and Sens at the Federal or local level in short order on any issue.
Maybe those who were the leaders at the TEA Party are too busy to incorporate this idea. My suggestion would be to write to those on the list and see if anyone could implement it.
Please comment and let me know what you think. I appreciate your efforts

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

I am grateful for this site. I am impressed the resource that communicating here on the site provides. I hope that we can stop the madness currently going on in Washington DC.

I really enjoyed the two TEA parties that took place here where I live. I was very disappointed, as I took notice while at the TEA party, that those at the TEA Party did not take the time to go into the Federal Building and visit the offices of the Federal legislators who have offices there. To me it was a missed opportunity. I have been writing letters for years. I am told by some Reps (Representatives) and Sens (Senators) that when they receive five to ten letters from people on a specific issue they begin to get involved and get up to speed on that issue. It seems to me that from the email lists generated at TEA parties that we could generate from a couple hundred to thousands of contacts with Reps and Sens at the Federal or local level in short order on any issue.

Maybe those who were the leaders at the TEA Party are too busy to incorporate this idea. My suggestion would be to write to those on the list and see if anyone could implement it.

Please comment and let me know what you think. I appreciate your efforts.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Tea Parties · 0 replies · +1 points

Treason CAN be punished by death.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Tea Parties · 0 replies · +1 points

WE THE PEOPLE are taking our country Back

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 2 replies · +8 points

Part One
For me there were two things that came out of the TEA Party experience. The first was that US Sovereignty is paramount and must be maintained regardless of cost. Second, that the US Constitution must remain inviolate and upheld as our highest example of law.
The United States has always been set apart, as an exception from the other nations of the world because the US has a Constitution that stresses that all men are created equally and that individual rights come from Almighty God. Our Constitution not only sets us apart but also makes us the envy of the world; it makes us special. It makes us examples to the world of Liberty and what Freedom means. The US cannot be like other nations because it has not ever been like other nations. The world looks to us for liberation, freedom, and happiness. To let this example fade is contrary to what makes us more than animals. The loss of this example would harm humanity.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 1 reply · +4 points

Part Two
The Constitution is the written document, set in law, allowing for USA to be this example. This document was, is and always will be inspired. Our Armed Forces and our elected officials take oaths to defend this document. We take an oath, as citizens, to abide by and uphold this document. We take the oath to the document; not to any government or person. The Constitution therefore must be upheld. As intimated above, any attempt to demean or weaken the US Constitution is a crime against humanity; and therefore must be labeled as no less than treason within the US itself.
With these two ideas as our guide there are many things within the US Government that must be set right. First and foremost is the elimination of the Federal Reserve (FED). The FED stands in stark contrast to what is laid out in the US Constitution. Indeed, the Constitution gives Congress, and only Congress, the responsibility to set monetary policy. Hence, the FED must go.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 1 reply · +4 points

Part Three
Another item way out of line with the Constitution is the power of the Federal Government. The Constitution tells us that it is the individual states themselves that hold the power. Indeed, all rights not enumerated to be given the Federal Government withing the Constitution, remain with the people or the states. Why then is every state in the Union dependent upon the Federal Government? Why is policy in the entire nation made in Washington? All funds except for necessary costs for the Federal Government to properly function should be returned to the people. The states should decide public policy through and by the vote of the people.