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4 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Which Candidates Best ... · 0 replies · +3 points
Still, it’s possible she did, but even in that case, it seems like the kind of conversation worth having. As someone who knocked a lot of doors in Iowa this year, I can absolutely tell you people will say that they’re worried enough people won’t vote for a woman that it would hurt their chances to beat Trump.
I don’t, for a moment, think Sanders would ever say anything sexist and he clearly has no issue with a woman running. Its easy to see, though, how the media could distort a conversation about how to reach voters who are concerned about a woman’s electability to make it seem this way.
4 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Is There Such a Thing ... · 0 replies · +2 points
It seems to me that religious labels are up to the individual, even in cases where there are specific doctrines that dictate what official adherents to the religion must believe. To take an example, according to Pew, 69% of self-described Catholics believe that the bread and wine used during communion are only symbols of the body and blood of Jesus, which is contrary to official doctrine. Still, I doubt that many people would have trouble accepting this majority as “real” Catholics. If this is the case, I don’t see why accepting any other aspects of the religion as merely symbolic should be any different.
That’s my theory anyway. In practice, I think such persons are much more likely to be merely agnostic rather than outright atheist. Still, I would welcome a church going, communion taking self-described Catholic atheist into the community.
5 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Time Traveling for Jesus · 0 replies · +3 points
The idea that this was the ONE THING about Bill & Ted that didn’t make sense is pretty funny. I will be smiling about that all day :)
6 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Should Trump Be Impeac... · 1 reply · +3 points
So no, we have no evidence of a crime, but I’m saying it’s at least arguable that he has violated his oath of office by continuing to have business conflicts while in office.
Honestly, I don’t think it would necessarily be wise to begin proceedings, even if we thought it might be likely to succeed, given the amount of damage he could do before being removed from office (and with nothing to lose). Removing him democratically is still the better way.
6 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Should Trump Be Impeac... · 4 replies · +3 points
I, for one, think that his violation of the emoluments clause, and his ridiculous nepotism would be plenty to begin impeachment proceedings against any other president. On the other hand, I am aware that impeachment is generally a bad thing for the country, no matter who is in office. And unlike Nixon, for example, we can’t expect Trump to go quietly.
Of course, it’s a moot point as long as republicans are in control of Congress.
7 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - A Brief Review of Don\... · 1 reply · +2 points
I also agree with SonicYouthFan about the God comment toward the end of the film. With so little dialogue in the film, it really sticks out as something that the filmmakers apparently felt they had to say. It rewrote a lot of the subtext for me, and not for the better.
7 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - A Brief Review of It F... · 4 replies · +1 points
I agree that this isn't a horror movie for horror movie fans, I would say it's a horror movie for cinephiles. The visual style, score, narrative structure, and cinematography all work to deliver an intentionally understated feeling of dread throughout the film.
I love - LOVE - traditional horror movies, but I can appreciate what this film is trying to do. I wasn't initially sure how I felt about it as the credits were rolling, but this is one of those that stuck with me for a few days. For example, I'm still not sure what all of the underlying motivations were for the creature to take the forms it took, but it's a puzzle I found myself happy to think about.
I think the Christian abstinence scare tactic theory is based on a pretty vacuous reading. I would argue that the message is somewhat the opposite, that this film is about coming to grips with sexual morality, not shutting it out, but embracing and accepting it as we grow into adulthood.
Re: The Witch: I'm ashamed to admit, I couldn't make it through this one. I still may take another go at it some day, but I just felt gross watching it. Not scared, just gross. Not a cool feeling when you're home alone at night with the lights out.
7 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - The Left is Helping Trump · 1 reply · +4 points
If this is truly all you're seeing, well, I guess I can't begrudge you for writing about it, but I would encourage you to find some Indivisible groups in your area, or start showing up to the listening posts hosted by your local representatives (I know you're in MS, but surely you have one or two democratic state reps?). I think you'll find that the conversations being had in the real world are far more rational and action-oriented than what the blog-o-sphere would have you believe.
7 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - The Left is Helping Trump · 3 replies · +5 points
As far as I can see, these foaming-at-the-mouth liberal nut-job ass-hats you keep talking about are a very small minority. And you are giving them far more power by writing about them as if they're not. And that is playing into the administration's hands as much as anything else.
8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Are Safety Pins Poised... · 1 reply · +3 points
Weird time to become suddenly interested in fashion though.